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What to Measure -11 key PdM Metrics

What percent of your total maintenance man-hours is driven by PdM?

That's the single most important metric to track. Because on average, best practice reliability programs generate an average of 50% of their work from PdM inspections and corrective work. So if PdM and the results of PdM aren't generating at least half of your work total, you've got room for improvement.

Depending on the maturity of your program, here's a list of the other 10 metrics to track the success of your efforts:

1. PdM effectiveness - hours of corrective work identified by PdM divided by hours spent on PdM inspections

2. Percent of PdM recommendations completed within 30 and 90 days

3. Percent of work flow that is planned maintenance (target is 80%+)

4. Total planned work in planner's backlog

5. Adherence to PdM schedule

6. Wrench time

7. Mean time between failure

8. Maintenance costs as a percent of asset base

9. Maintenance costs and as percent of sales

10. Overall equipment effectiveness and asset utilization

Tip Provided by:Allied Reliability-"PdM Secrets Revealed" Report
Phone number: +1 843.414.5776

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