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A Simplified Approach to Developing Prioritized Equipment Reliability & Maintenance Strategies

A Simplified Approach to Developing Prioritized Equipment Reliability & Maintenance Strategies

TRC-2018 Learning Zone 48:37
by Mark Benak and Bill Closser

Manufacturing and production facilities are frequently unique based upon what is being produced, when the facility was built, what part of the country or world the facility is operating in, where the company saw themselves in the marketplace at time of construction, and may other unique considerations. In order to develop effective reliability strategies and maintenance practices many organizations have created their reliability strategies and practices utilizing either classic RCM analysis or some form of a streamlined RCM analysis process or the vendor recommendations. The drawback behind these approaches are several. First, they can be very time consuming and expensive processes.Their results are frequently dependent on the skill and knowledge level of the RCM analyst and they frequently does not consider the broad base of industry experiences with like or similar pieces of equipment.

This presentation describes a method for prioritizing systems and equipment based upon the unique priorities of each company and the development of reliability and maintenance strategies for equipment based upon the unique operating conditions of the plant and equipment, yet still incorporating industry experience. The process and tools discussed in this presentation allow engineers to optimize the reliability strategies based upon cost, the skill level of the organization and the technology tools that are available to the organization. These tools allow an easy means to review and optimize strategies on a regular basis or as needed as manufacturing/production processes change or the capabilities of the organization change.


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