The RELIABILITY Conference Learning Session - 27:29
by Derek Valine, PG&E
Developing cost-effective equipment maintenance strategies is a complex and data-intensive task, but necessary to realize an effective reliability program in a competitive environment. Historically, in the nuclear power industry, maintenance strategies have not been objectively risk-based, but rather they have been based on prevention of all failures regardless of cost. This approach to maintenance leads to expensive strategies that do not necessarily deliver higher levels of reliability.
Last year, the nuclear power industry identified the need to reduce overall O&M costs while still maintaining high levels of equipment reliability. This requires the ability to analyze and understand the impact of a strategy change not only on reliability but on overall cost of the strategy as well. Diablo Canyon Power Plant determined Preventance Precision by Asset Performance Technologies was the tool best able to provide reliability and cost projections in order to enable the development of cost-effective maintenance strategies.
The solution contains templates for over 700 asset types based on operating context and risk. The templates contain content that was developed as a industry collective and then used by numerous international companies over the last 20 years. Leveraging this content has enabled Diablo Canyon and other nuclear power plant operators to quickly and effectively develop and revise maintenance strategies to provide for required levels of reliability for the least overall cost.
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