MW-2020 Presentation 47:33 Minutes
by Dennis Ford, Atrium Health
Each year natural and un-natural disasters cause significant damage resulting in the loss of life and negatively impact business operations. In many cases, it takes years to recover from these events, and unfortunately in some cases, some businesses never do.
With such a dramatic impact on operations, hospitals continue to look for ways to mitigate these risks and minimize the impact of these events on the lives of their employees and the operations of the facility. Hospitals are currently leveraging technology to manage real estate portfolios, assets, personnel and business operations. These tools can be used to support emergency management and response.
These tools can assist organizations by leveraging the immediate access to data allowing the organization to pro-actively plan in order to minimize business interruption and move personnel out of harm’s way when the event is forecasted and expected. Also, Facilities Management (FM) information can assist the organization to quickly recover and minimize the impact of the event.
FM technology can provide dynamic access to critical facility/building infrastructure, IT infrastructure (i.e., datacenter), personnel including employees requiring assistance, hazardous material and evacuation information to ensure life safety procedures are followed, property is protected, and utilities are quickly restored.