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Predictive Lubrication: Which Bearings will Benefit from Correct Lubrication Today?

The RELIABILITY Conference - 48:11
by Tom Murphy, Author

There is a close analogy between the historical changes in maintenance strategies that have taken place in the past and the current changes taking place in the world of lubrication.

In maintenance we moved over decades from breakdown to planned to predictive. We moved from maintaining assets regardless of condition, just based upon time, to maintaining assets based upon health.

Now in lubrication, we can move from breakdown (grease it because it is screaming) through planned lubrication (grease with a set amount on a set date) to predictive lubrication, lubrication on condition.

It is generally quoted that over 40% of bearings are killed by over lubrication. Logically this must lead to the conclusion that breakdown and planned lubrication practices are not working very well.

This presentation explores the use of ultrasound in the creation of predictive lubrication strategies – using measurement to identify those bearings that need lubricating and then using the same measurement method to ensure that the bearing is optimally lubricated.

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