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Readiness-Based Sparing (RBS) and the Impact of Flexible Fleet Solutions

Readiness-Based Sparing (RBS) and the Impact of Flexible Fleet Solutions

TRC-2020 Presentation 18:26 Minutes

by Robert Coleman, Systecon North America

Deployed scenarios involving multiple ships, aircraft, and land vehicles require significant spares investment to enable these units to achieve the high availability and mission performance metrics set forth by decision makers. Due to high operational tempo and limited logistics support during these mission sets, the required number of on-board spares and the subsequent dollar spend to procure and position those components is high. However, when systems have commonality amongst spares, components in the onboard stockpile can be shared. Unique operational and environmental limitations are likely which limit the number or type of items which can be shared (large components not able to be transferred ship to ship on underway evolutions), but any shared resources will reduce the cost of ownership. These scenarios alter or reduce optimal spares packages and the number of technicians and maintenance equipment required to complete all maintenance.

Lateral support/cross decking can reduce the need for on-board spares by 15-20 percent by allowing for a pooling effect. This, however, requires a novel optimization and simulation engine which we can assess the impact of allowing shared components amongst groups of systems. By allowing a shared stockpile for some components, we significantly reduce the cost of achieving level of performance for high tempo operations. The unique spares, technician and maintenance equipment allocations are also provided using this optimization.

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