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Solutions 2.0 Virtual Conference August 23, 2017

Solutions 2.0 Virtual Conference August 23, 2017

Achieving LLC of Mechanical Seals
by Buddy Lee, Tekwell Services, LLC

This presentation will present the Lowest Lifecycle Cost calculation for mechanical seals in common use in industrial plants. An initial case history of the Giant Refinery is presented, along with lessons learned from this tragedy. The stakeholders of mechanical seal reliability are introduced, and statistics from the Hydraulic Institute for typical mechanical seal life are presented for comparative purposes. Seal failure points are discussed, along with an introduction to API Plans. Finally, a Corn Mash Slurry Pump Financial Analysis is developed as an example of derivation of components to include in the LLC calculation.

The Operational Excellence Maturity Model
by Joseph Paris, XONITEK

Review a definition of Operational Excellence. Discuss the three stages of Operational Excellence maturity, from Logistical, through Tactical to Strategic; the characteristics and expectations of each level, how to evolve from one level to the next, and the necessity of mastering one level before progressing to the next.

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Solutions 2.0 Virtual Conference August 23, 2017 provided by

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