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The Use of Drone Technology for Remote Oil Sampling

The Use of Drone Technology for Remote Oil Sampling

TRC-2018 Learning Zone 51:38
by Michael Holloway, ALS Global

Oil analysis sampling can be difficult if not impossible in certain environments due to location.The use of unmanned aerial vehicles have increased exponentially due to advances in materials, aeronautics, and systems for commercial applications.Drones can accomplish tasks that would be difficult if not impossible for people.The combination of oil sampling and unmanned aerial vehicles is a perfect match in certain situations.Only recently has the concept become viable due to a combination of an aerial sampling boom with magnetic sample ports, evacuated vacuumed sample bottles with a servo activated sample valve, and a ducted fan unmanned aerial vehicle technology.This system provides ease of sampling in remote and difficult to reach access points to various assets such as wind turbines where normally it would be expensive if not prohibitive for typical sampling protocols to occur. This paper explores the development and application of such a system.The presentation will also have a video example of a case study of this application.


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