Terrence O'Hanlon,
Phil Hendrix, Rob MacArthur and Brian Johnson, Hendrix Precision Maintenance
56:25 Minutes
Precision Maintenance:
“The most important reliability strategy we ever adopted to achieve dramatic 2X, 3X, even 4X improvement in Mean Time Between Failure in our huge process plant.” ~ Maintenance Manager
Playing off the book “10 Rights of Asset Management,” written by Ramesh Gulati and Terrence O’Hanlon, Hendrix Precision Maintenance will share their version of “10 Rights of Precision Maintenance.” Throughout this presentation, Hendrix will show where precision maintenance falls within the “10 Rights” and when implemented correctly, how precision plays a major role in an organization’s journey to achieve reliability, asset performance and operational excellence.
Join us to learn how Hendrix Precision Maintenance correlates precision activities with the following 10 Rights of Asset Management:
1R: Specify - Failure to clearly define the needs and requirements is a key contributor for not meeting a company’s expectation. Fits and tolerances, lubrication, balancing and alignments specifications will reduce the overall cost to the owner.
2R: Design - Using precision-based methodology and designing based on RAMS^2 principles, eliminating or minimizing failure modes can easily be accomplished by selecting proven reliable components and placed in certain location to ensure the balance of maintainability and reliability.
3R: Source - Using a best value approach for sourcing an assets quality, material, fits & tolerances, and reliability standards to reduce the total cost of the asset over its entire life.
4R: Build/Fabricate - Following the design specifications, ensure that machined components and assemblies are built to specifications and that the assets undergo quality and testing.
5R: Install/Commission - When installing new or modifying existing assets; space requirements, floor, and foundation, leveling and alignment, installation documentation is all required to ensure that downtime over the length of the assist is minimized and capacity (throughput) is increased.
6R: Operate - Using a TPM approach with 5S workplaces will reduce unplanned downtime and increase a plants operational efficiency.
7R: Maintain - Catching and predicting failures before they happen and fix them in a timely manner can wield significant cost reductions all while meeting the customers' needs on time.
8R: Improve/Modify - With a comprehensive approach ranging from analyzing your company’s current performance levels to developing testing, designing the improvement project, and performing a gap analysis and develop strategies for improvement.
9R: Dispose/Decommission - The decommissioning and disposal of assets process includes understanding risks by performing an FMEA and risk assessment on the assets, understanding the objectives of decommissioning, and disposing assets safely and efficiently.
10R: Manage - This practical approach allows leaders, managers, and operators effectively manage the 10 rights above in organizations. This ensures that you have the right people, a strong process, and utilizing the right technology for your demand.
Misalignment Chart
Von Braun - Bearing Life and Vibration
Precision Maintenance Worksheet