There is
much more to come now. We're gonna go with
the amazing John Gregerson. She's gonna be our
close in Kino speaker. We're gonna provide the presentation
you at any time you wanna be on camera, too to
make sure we can see you we introducing you
ex Realty realtor and green theme
Academy founder the cheese
and real tour and international real
estate advisor with experience in
Denver, Colorado as the host
of the climate action homes podcast, Jon interviews
guess and share strategies around climate action
environmental benefits of portability. She's
also the owner of positive energy Works LLC as
well as the founder of two environmental known
for profits green tea Academy and sustainable Revolution
Longmont. She's an engineer with over
25 years of experience in sustainability. She's a
writing an author of the book. I'm an action challenge.
And Plano, we're launching your air conditionings in
90 days, and I reminder don't remember that you promised
me the book in French. I'm looking forward to reading
it. So let's make that working. Thank
you so much. We're gonna be now experiencing sustainability
and important. What can we activate merely? Thank
you so much for being our closing keynote and you see
we have an amazing audience that have stayed all the day
with us. So, thank you.
Thank you so much for that in that introduction. And
yes, I'll get you that book in French. Let's
see. I'm just trying to figure out
my whole screen sharing.
We can see your camera. We can
see your screen. So at this point if you want to just go
to the next slide, we want to make sure that we can see it.
All right. Here we go. Okay, I think I think
I got it now.
Um, does anybody else want to like get up dance around
for a second? Get some good time. I
see time. I am now I am
shake you are because has been long day,
but we do need to remember to take care of ourselves. So
They're super I remind okay good. So if
you hopefully you had a little dance break there. All right,
so I'm going to
get my camera a little better. I guess we'll just go with that.
I am I'm super excited to be talking with you
and I really enjoyed all the presentations so far.
And as everyone has said these are my
own views. I'm not a this is not where I'm endorsed,
um content the topic
that we're going to talk about today is climate action
homes 10 ways to make a positive
Eco impact with your home and I'm really
excited about how to connect this what with
all the different speakers that I've been hearing that have
been talking about claiming your power using your
heart your head your hands. You are
the one to to make this kind of change operational excellence
going with the why the
sustainable development goals my
background as an engineer and you
know, thinking of personal and
organizational reliability and I want
to take it out one more level.
Um a little bit about me so it started as
an engineer. Well, I started as
a baby like all of us on planet Earth where we
are being sustained every moment and then
did engineering sustainability and then
Community organizing
and yeah, and
so now what I have done recently is combined my
background in building Energy Efficiency and environmental
work to now be a realtor. I
work in Colorado, but I also can partner with people around
the world and in 20 countries and my
whole focus is to to help
people use that whole home buying selling
living in your home process to make a positive
Eco impact.
so what I want to do first is kind of connect the
the mission of where I'm to what
I'm talking about
So when what in looking
at where I'm it's it starts
with women, so that's us and I also think when I
think of women I think of Mother Earth. I think that
women have that, you know, we we have
that ability to deliver life right
out of our body. We we are in a
lot of ways more in touch just biologically than
men with that whole process of the
sanctity on the sacred of
And so women have a particular role in doing
this and then reliability. I saw
some different quotes one from reliability web.
It's a way of being and acting rather
than just a series of events.
And it's part of every decision and every perspective, you
know, it's kind of like right now we ask anytime somebody
says hey, do you want to go to the movies? You're thinking to have enough money.
Do you want to buy house to have enough money? Should I
buy that car should we go drive this thing? You're always thinking
money. So we want as part
of every decision every perspective to think about the environment
as how it relates to.
as part of every decision
so reliability and then Asset Management.
I I got this list from somewhere. But
you know, I think some of the members that
are part of where I'm might be in some of these organizations but
really my understanding that is
that we're you know, whether it's humans. That is
the asset or any kind of industry. It's
everywhere. So we look a picture like this.
This is Denver Colorado up front
is a Suncor Refinery. But you know, we're also
seeing the other things that people need to make sure
are reliable like our our transportation
the power lines the
communications the
Computing the you know,
anything that the people need the water water treatment
all of this stuff is part I
think of what members of where I'm tend to
be focusing on is making sure that all
these things that get manufactured all the processes
are reliable.
What I'd like to do today is to I wish
that I had Google Earth working because it
kind of zoomed so nicely but this is where I took those pictures is
okay. So we were looking at that one plant. I'm
thinking about reliability.
But what if we think we zoom out?
All right. So now we're starting to think about what is the reliability of
our water
I don't know if you know this but right along here. This is
the Continental Divide and so
water that falls on one side goes to the east water that
falls on the other side goes out to the Pacific. So
some goes to the Atlantic some goes to the Pacific so
thinking about
Our waterways and our our forest
our planes as reliability.
Like how how are
we managing this asset?
That that plant those cars everything is sitting on
top of this Foundation.
And this right here.
This is the main asset.
That we I mean whose job is it?
This job is it to make sure
that this asset is managed.
That this is the reliable.
Whose job is it to protect our
This home sweet home. I mean we've been gifted life on
this planet.
This is like such an incredible gift, you know, everything else you
have to buy but we've been gifted a place
where we just we inhale and we have air and we
exhale and we're we're having this exchange
with trees. I mean, it's a it's a
miraculous gift that we have and all of
the reliability and asset
management goals tasks that we have. This is
job number one.
And so what I want to show you today is how
we can be part of
the solution like so many people were talking about you want to
be a badass leader you want to do something cool. You
want to show how women and women from all
different perspectives can make an impact you want
to do something with environmental justice then
starting with your home is an
awesome place to start. So I want you to
be thinking about anytime you hear home sweet home think about
this beautiful planet that we've been gifted and
how we can make impact with our own
home and this responsibility that we've taken
on whether we're renters or owners. So
what I'm gonna be talking about is 10
ways to make a positive Eco impact with your home.
But I think before we dive in I want to give you some context.
I don't want you to do little things. I want you to do big
things. And so the first thing that I
would ask you to do is choose an avatar.
I want you to think of yourself as an Eco Warrior
you your your house is going
to be the coolest house on the Block. You're gonna be
your favorite aunt for your teenage nieces that
are like, oh my gosh, my aunt is actually caring about
climate change my parents. They're busy working
on this other stuff my aunt she hears us. She
understands what it is that we're going to
be faced with.
Um, my name Joan So Joan of
Arc. I have changed into Jean dark and that
is my avatar because when you're doing these things
it's not going to be easy.
It's going to be a pain in the butt in some cases. And if
you just think of like, oh, it's gonna be so much this
that the other you're not gonna want to do it. I want
to change this your Warrior. You're a badass
leader. You're somebody who is taking your power
and using it as a Force for
So the pro tip number two before you dive
into this is go big.
I can't tell you how frustrating it is when people say do
small things. No, let's don't do small things.
Small things are not enough turn off the water while
you're brushing your teeth. That doesn't that's not going
to be enough unplug your phone charger. No, that's not
enough. I want you to think of yourself going big
as big as possible.
So when you are looking at all the different things you
can do instead of saying. Oh I'll you know,
I'll turn the lights off before I leave my apartment. No,
what is the biggest change possible
that you can make? That's the one that I
want you to go for and I want you to think about
going for a transformative change rather than incremental change
using your passion to guide you you might
be thinking, you know, I know I
should do something with my home energy, but I'm also really interested to learn
about permaculture and how to rip out my lawn. You
should do that. Whatever is the thing that is really
driving you do that first.
And also using money as a factor to choose your biggest
bang project. So if you're already spending
money on your gas your electric
your watering then those are
those are tips. Like hey, this is an area of opportunity.
This is a place where my home is polluting the planet I
could switch that around and make it
a restorative every generative action instead.
Pro tip number three don't go It Alone.
Start a team if you're trying to figure out how to get solar on
your house. Why do that alone? Find some other
people do it together?
Um, and you know make some phone calls ask your friends
look for expertise look for rebates.
Number four is look for cascading benefits.
There's a lot of these things that will have a positive impact on
a forward affordability environmental justice Equity
soil Health water quality biodiversity water
conservation air quality. So look
for things that have multiple impacts.
and then think of things that are common like hey,
you know, maybe I can get more insulation on my
home but also
Oh, I wonder about solar shingles.
So don't limit yourself to either very common approaches
or very Innovative go for
look and both places.
The next thing is to think about investing and not cost.
You know, so many people. Oh, what would
the cost of an energy audit be what would the cost
of new windows? Well, we we
spend money on stuff all the time. Let's stop thinking
about costs. Let's think about investing. How about
investing in a livable future. What's the
return on investment for a livable future for ourselves? Our
kids our grandkids. That is the highest possible investment
that we can make and it
needs to be prioritized as such and
turning the turning the vibe around
of this negative. Oh, it's gonna cost me this much
too. Oh, I'm an investor. This is fun. This
is creative. I'm doing something cool here.
And you know when we're thinking about Investments the average
price of a new home in the US and 2021 was
454,000 and you
know, the prices of
homes have been going up in some areas 10% 20%
40% So people are just throwing
an extra 20 40 80 thousand
dollars on a home price and go in that's
just what it is. But what if instead you
thought gosh, what can I
do for 20 40 80,000 dollars.
Could I go to a net zero home and could
my home if I do it with a few other
people could we start a movement so we could actually
change the trajectory we could be the
elders that our younger Generations are
proud of
Protip number seven designed for ripple effects. So when
you're doing something be thinking this is
not just about my home. This is my home
as a pilot project and I want our our
groups home to then be something
that we're able to to make Ripple
throughout a whole community.
And some of the things that you'll be thinking of aren't things
you can do in your current home, but you can do in your
next one. So you can keep that those options open
and the ninet tip is it's figureoutable.
So think of all the amazing things you've done
you don't have to be an expert YouTube is out there call people you
can do it.
All right, so we're going to go into the 10 ways.
So the first one you might be surprised that my first three are
research number one call your city sustainability office
and I'm saying yes pick up the phone. So do
some searches sustainability climate action
and energy conservation and rebates composting but
then call them and talk to them
that what's cool is about cities and
utilities. They have to answer the phone like a
lot of us. We don't really even answer the phone anymore, but these
guys do and it's really vital to start making those
relationships and call them. So we
start writing down. What are the rebates? What are you finding?
Um, for example Denver just has a
new rebate program for ebikes for
electric vehicle charging wiring electric heat
pumps heat pump water heaters service upgrades
to do these other things battery storage solar panels.
Plus they have a sustainable neighborhoods program. So the
city they have their goals, but
they can't do it themselves. They need you and they're
going to be happy. So happy to hear from you and your neighbors.
Next call your Electric and Gas Utilities same thing
look search and search for sustainability climate
action rebates and call the
residential hotline talk with them. Ask them
about all the different things. They have and write
those down. Next up is your water utility same
thing search for water
audits irrigation on its low flow toilets,
toilet League kids and call them
and find out what kinds of things they have available.
All right. So now you've done your research. You've got
some ideas you're getting excited. Right? One of
the things I love for people to understand is when
you embark on a project sometimes you think the problem is
that the project is a problem or you
are the problem you're bugging people. I want
you to think of yourself as a solution. So all these people have
rebates. They're trying to get people to change and you're
like you raise your hand. I'll do it. So now
you're excited and you've got a lot of Partners a
lot of people that can help you.
So I would say your number one action to take is to start
composting composting is something
that anybody can do whether you have a pickup service
in front of your house or you
you hire a company to
come do it in Denver approximately 50% of
the material set to the landfill could have been composted
that's crazy, you know
plastic recycling all that stuff is really complicated as
far as how great it is but composting is
the best recycling that we can do. It reduces
methane gas and proves
plant yield improve soil Health reduce cost
for landfilling and turns food waste into
a benefit.
The next action I want you to take is call and get
an energy audit if you're not sure what you
should do on your home. Don't worry about you don't have to know get
an energy audit they'll come out and this
is something that usually whether you're a renter or a homeowner
you're able to do an energy audit at Excel
Energy my local utility in Denver. They have three options.
They have a virtual visit. They have an in-home
visit and they have this in-home plus
where they come in and they do
a blower door test. They do infrared scans
and they give you the examples
of all the rebates that your home could use and
what the cost benefit is of going through
The next one is getting a water audit your local
audit water utility will usually do
some kind of audit for you and they
have all kinds of rebates that that will
then help you moving forward.
The next is number seven is
switch out the lawn for habitat.
There are some amazing resources out
there if you think about it graph is
the only crop that we water fertilize and
we use fuel to harvest
but we never eat.
so there are a lot of programs out there that help you
change out your lawn for a native
habitat, and I don't know if anybody here
knows about Doug talami, but
actually this quote right here is from the international biodiversity
panel the ibpes
nature in this vital contributions to
people our deteriorating worldwide goals for
conserving and sustainably using nature
and achieving sustainability cannot be met by
current trajectories can only be met
with transformative change.
So one idea is this Doug tell me
wrote. This book called Nature's Best hope and his idea is
that we could make homegrown we
could have a national park. That is everybody's own own
garden your own backyard. And
that way we could allow our pollinators
our Birds. Our butterflies are
bees all of the different ecosystems to
survive and to thrive if we each take
do our part and create a piece of this
entire homegrown National Park
Um, so that is that's something that that we
could do.
And there's so many backyard habitat programs that are
out there that can help you do this. I know
I just have a few minutes left. So I'm going to cruise through these so even
if you're a renter you can do your balcony number eight
is Electrify so you can go
to net zero emissions. And what you
want to do is make sure that you're not doing don't pay
extra for gas fireplace or gas stove. That's
a carbon emission that we can't clean up. Whereas if
you go with electric then as the grid gets
cleaner, then you can go to a carbon zero footprint.
So never pay an upgrade for a
gas for a gas cook stove a gas fireplace.
You can go renewable. You can install your own solar panels
or sometimes. You can just sign up for Community solar with one
phone call get off of your coal based
electricity with one phone call. And sometimes it's the
same price as it is here in Denver.
Grow or buy local food is the last tip and
this has so many benefits. Not only are you proving
soil health building local resilience supporting
local farmers your own nutrition, but you're
also providing people a connection to Nature.
All right. So I'm going to there's I
would love to just keep going but I want
to tell you that the climate action homes. So this
is a podcast that I do weekly we have a private Facebook
group. You can if you go to climate, you can listen to our podcasts
about all different people
landscapers and we're talking
with someone next week that writes genre called
protopia. We talk about solar and ebikes. So
if that's something that you're interested in I invite you
to do that and just remember about in
every step to think of Home Sweet Home.
All right, and that is it?
Well, thank you very much Joan. I want to make sure that if we
happen to have any comments any questions, I see a lot of the
different comments. Thank you and the other
presenting through the day and maybe one personal question.
When did you start the diving into sustainability?
What was that moment was that clicker says I
need to start diving into sustainability.
I was 10 years old and my dad
was a petroleum engineer. And so
I at 10 years old. I started working for him. I
was plotting oil and gas production data
and after you plot the certain amount
of data you draw it out on log paper to zero.
And I did that on about five graphs and I was
like Dad.
They all go to zero like this is
not us. I didn't know the word sustainable. I didn't know the word
finite but I understood really early that that system
was flawed. And so in
1978, Jimmy Carter came
to Colorado and Chris and
the opening of The Solar Energy Research Institute, which
is now now the national renewable energy
lab and so when I went into college, I'm like, I'm gonna
do that. I'm gonna be part of the solution.
That is right being part of the solution and that's the
thinking right. We have more comments here. And
well, there is a common sense. Thank
you for excellent program. I'm so motivated. Thank you
to the William think for all your hard work.
Well, thank you so much for the comments. There is
a there's a lot of a lot of different comments,
but the only specifically with you. Thank you
so much for for your presentation. We will be sending to you
and the rest of the Williams speakers comments through the
week that I'm quite sure comments are gonna flow in
social media or by email in questions, but I
really want to say thank you for being our closing, you
know speaker. Where you
Thank you so much. And I wanna really inspirational
day. Thanks to you and everybody that organized
it and all the speakers and attendees.
Thank you so much and let's talk about logistics quickly
and then we're gonna be closing and wrapping up. The
first thing is yes what everybody's asking will the
presentations be shared what's gonna happen with that recording?
So what we're gonna do is that we're gonna be sending you
information with the presentations. I
will personally be sending you
an email to each of you that participated personalized
email. Thank you for being
here until the end which of you and then we're gonna be including what
we can share from the Powerpoints of the presenters the
information when the recording will be up and of
course Joy will be sending the the system
will be sending you your certificate of participation today.
So that's all that
portion of logistics with certificate with follow-up and
with the presentation. So that is portion what
second is that? We included through the
chat a lot of different links with a different speakers
maintenance or you see on
the screen.
Ways to connect with William because each of
the different speakers have different chapters right
gonna United States Latin America Middle East Antarctica.
So the idea it is that you join
in your teams men and women joining
the different webinars, and if you cannot see them you can
review the recordings, but make sure you have a lot of content
a lot of learning. I want to know say thank
you to the association of us in management professionals. Joy
for all your effort today as well
to each of the woman in reliability in us
and management speakers to the audience that came today
having so many activities to The Advocates
and Center cattle caterpillar picks
software, they International Academy of
automation engineering interlock solutions from
meetings and the University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
with connecting systems in The Institute when
I say thank you to each of you now, we
will keep in communication from here we keep going
With more meetings with more content, let
us know your honest opinions so we can continue improving this
series. These are for you this is for the community. This
is work that is legacy and gets established
on the website.
different voices of different territories different
views different perspectives
This is the world. The world is us every day.
We can do something different with our actions. We can
Inspire others. Let's always bring positivism.
Let's always be that light. Let's connect
with someone that we have not been touching a long
time. Let's keep in communication, especially in these times
all the best to each of you. Thank you so much.
We'll see you next time.
See you.
Our last picture Maura I like feature
with everybody.
Oh you want a photo because I have pictures of every
of you presenting. Let me see who's up. Let
me see who still up from the William presenters. They want
to turn the camera around they're welcome.
To stay so I don't know if already
left but if you are where I'm speaking you
are still here. Do you want to put your camera
on your welcome, but I assure you that I
have pictures of all of you presenting that I will put it in social media. There
we go. Anybody else? We're good. Okay, let's
do this. One, two three.
Thank you so much. Everybody. Have a great day.
Thank you. Bye.