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SKF Assists TOTAL E&P Indonesia with Their First Combined Maintenance & Inspection Strategy

Such projects are also extremely complex due to the number of equipment tags that must be addressed, the level of detail for critical and vital equipment, and the accuracy of attention to ensure expected operational uptime at the same time managing risks. That's probably why until now such program developments they have always been carried out as separate activities by most oil and gas companies.

But now TOTAL, the French oil and gas company have taken the bold step to combine these Maintenance and Inspection Engineering (MIE) activities and have contracted SKF to develop the complete Engineering Strategy for their new Indonesian gas extraction and processing plants.

Tasked with the challenge of managing this ‘new adventure' Mr. Philippe Grosbois, Contract Manager for TOTAL, was enthusiastic and confident at just over the halfway stage of this 2 year project. "We have well experienced teams at TOTAL for the execution of both maintenance and inspection routines. They know the oil and gas industry and they know all of the machines and equipments that make these plants run. What we needed, in addition, was an experienced partner to develop a maintenance and inspection strategy based on best-in-class practices carried out on similar equipment in oil and gas, and other industrial applications. Much of the equipment such as pumps, motors, compressors, gearboxes, are used in other industrial plants, as is much of the power generation, electrical and instrumentation needs that our Indonesian project will utilize. Our goal was to use best-in-class practices and routines to optimize our plant reliability and efficiency; machinery uptime, gas production - transportation - and processing, and to reduce our maintenance and inspection costs. In full compliance with Indonesian regulation PTK07 f factors we evaluated a number of potential service suppliers and finally the MIE contract was awarded to SKF. Their proven track record of delivering successful similar projects and their policy of keeping best-in-class databases and applying latest methodologies and technology were key factors ".

SKF and TOTAL engineers work side by side to speed up project progress

The project is also a first for TOTAL E&P Indonesia because the maintenance and inspection strategy will be developed and applied for 1 sea-based gas extraction plant and 4 land-based processing plants. Such a five plant application has not been simultaneously implemented before. Ph.Grosbois is expecting time and cost synergies and savings due to a large degree of overlapping and replication as each of the processing plants is constructed and comes on-line.

Major project steps

The major steps in the project will cover;

1. Criticality Review; identify all items in each plant, including rotating equipment,electrical, instrumentation etc by unique name coding and carry out reliability centered maintenance and failure mode studies where necessary. Further, classify each item in one of the categories; vital, critical or secondary.

2. Perform Risk Based Inspection assessment for pressure systems, including piping, using TOTAL's in-house software.

3. Enter all plant items and unique coding into templates for later upload into TOTAL's computerized maintenance and inspection management system (CMIMS) by TOTAL's dedicated team

4. Determine and produce specific maintenance plan for each plant item; what to do, when to do it, how to do it, what tools and equipment are needed.

5. Develop an overall lubrication and greasing schedule to the equipment level.

The project provides the justified content for TOTAL's SAP system for the maintenance and inspection functions across five new facilities ready for start-up.

The full scope of the contract requires that SKF also delivers a spare parts management program that identifies spare parts items for vital and critical plant items over a 2 year time span. SKF's long history in supplying products and solutions for rotating machinery has allowed them to accumulate much knowledge for determining the parts most sensitive to requiring replacement throughout the life cycle of the machine. This will enable TOTAL to start operations and continue running with the right balance of the optimal number of spare parts, the optimal cost and the ability to maintain plant reliability.

Optimal outcome of the SKF contribution

SKF's key ‘question to answer' , overall from this project is illustrated below

SKF Diagram

Mr. N. Venkatesan, Project Leader for SKF and Ph. Grosbois both agree that "a key to success has been the co-location of their teams in the SKF offices in Jakarta. With such close proximity of the teams any questions or technical concerns can be dealt with immediately, and with such a big and complex project questions occur each day. The ability to easily schedule meetings to discuss the weekly and monthly reports speeds up the problem solving and enhances the progress of the project".

Thousands of details to be loaded into templates

Project progress is monitored closely and mutually against Key Performance Indicators agreed in the contract specification. Ph. Grosbois comments, " there has been excellent teamwork between TOTAL and SKF so far on this project".

In addition to the specific project deliverables Ph.Grosbois sees this ground breaking project as an opportunity to test, for TOTAL Group, the combining of maintenance and inspection strategies in single projects. Already he says "I have been able to identify a lot of value, knowledge and methodologies being transferred from SKF to TOTAL and am anticipating that many of these will provide valuable learning that can be replicated inside TOTAL and deliver quite some advantages.

And he is quite confident that, "even though, at times during the contract there have been setbacks and learning that SKF has had to do, we will succeed in completing the project on time, within budget and deliver all the components and benefits that we expected when we signed up with SKF. TOTAL is among the biggest oil and gas companies in the world and this project shows that we are committed to continue developing our company, in all areas, to retain and extend our operational excellence".

Thousands of details to be loaded into templates

Continuing the challenge

The challenge as this project enters its latter stage is to transition to the field operations function, a workable package that is suited to the capabilities of that organization. The success of the project comes ultimately when the new work is actually executed well in the field. This project 'sets the scene', for optimal life cycle costs. SKF is also intimately aware of TOTAL and their local operations and will continue to help them with their pursuit of those optimal life cycle costs, whilst managing their risks.

TOTAL and SKF Project Management Teams celebrate

Article submitted by:  Colin Roberts, SKF Group Technical Press


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