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Digitalize Asset Management Model in Operating Facilities

Khalid A. Jabr, Saudi Aramco, CRL

The Asset Management Maturity Benchmarking Model is a comprehensive platform, which was designed to measure overall plant performance & efficiency from different aspects and predicting Asset Management Index (AMI) for all operating facilities.

The new model is an integrated solution covering several parameters and it was classified into four major categories:
Asset Maintainability covering maintenance & Inspection items.Business objective compliance such as: flaring, energy, and other indices. The third category is plant performance and efficiency covering Corrosion, Lubrication and other indices.The forth category covers the level of competency for operators, technicians and inspectors. These parameters were online integrated together to frequently update our model to estimate the introduced “asset management index”. This index can be estimated by developing normalization method for each parameter to be integrated with this model.
Utilizing this model can address some of technical challenges in asset management and help operating facilities to:
Introduce new Index to represent Plant Comprehensive Reliability & Performance as a novel concept (Integrated Asset Management Index)Promote accuracy, reduce the master KPI’s and standardize the reliability benchmarking criteria as a New Process for OptimizationUsed as the advanced Predictive Analytics solutions for IR 4.0 to predict hidden failures and measure reliability for asset level


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