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Improve Asset Reliability & Efficiency at The Reliability Conference
The Reliability Conference 2025: Actionable Insights for Reliability Success.
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Contact EmployerThe City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) is currently seeking candidates for a three (3) Senior Engineering Associates – Civil positions. Two (2) positions support the bureau’s wastewater treatment and pumping systems division (TPSD) and one (1) position supports the Wastewater Treatment & Vertical Asset Risk Analysis team within the Risk Assessment Division.
1. Treatment and Pumping Systems Division (TPSD) positions:
TPSD is located at the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant and provides engineering services for projects at approximately 100 wastewater pump stations and associated force mains throughout the city, as well as projects at the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant, and Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The successful TPSD candidates will serve as design manager and/or project manager for one of two teams:
The Risk Assessment Division is composed of the following teams: Systems Analysis & Modeling Support, Wastewater Treatment & Vertical Asset Risk Analysis, and Stormwater, Natural & Linear Asset Risk Analysis Sections. These Sections work together to provide the Bureau with capital delivery analysis support, current and future comprehensive risk profiles, and analyzes trends in risk to inform Portfolio Management and BES leadership of emerging priorities to ensure sustainability of operations. The RAD collaborates closely with BES’ other Groups and extensively within its own Group, especially Engineering Services, Operations & Maintenance and Priority Area Planning, Regulatory Services and Research, Asset Management and Portfolio Management.For full description and online application go to:
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