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CT Company Promotes Sustainable Engineering with MotorSilk Synthetic Oil

Wallingford, CT (Vocus)

In the wake of the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, rising energy costs and the very real problem of a finite oil supply on earth, Evergreen America is taking proactive steps in curbing industry dependence on oil by using synthetic lubricants including MotorSilk and LubriSilk to provide environmentally friendly, greenhouse gas reducing and carbon credit qualifying Boron CLS Bond technology.

In 1991 Dr. Ali Erdemir, a senior scientist at the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, received an R&D 100 award for showing how microscopic particles of boric acid could dramatically reduce friction between interacting surfaces in relative motion. This meant industries such as transportation, manufacturing, heavy machinery and construction could reduce their fuel consumption, increase productivity, reduce corrosion and greenhouse gasses and achieve an overall reduction in operating costs by using products made with boric acid.

The Boron CLS Bond technology was used to develop biodegradable MotorSilk and LubriSilk, both sustainable engineering products that not only reduce wear and increase engine and system components but also qualifies the users for what are called carbon credits, a value assigned to a reduction or offset of greenhouse gas emissions. These accumulated credits, a result of the Kyoto Protocol, can be traded in international markets with partnering industries looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Many large companies in the United States, including Halliburton and Nestlé, contacted Evergreen America after researching the advantages of using MotorSilk compared to regular gas and oil treatments and were pleased to learn that using the MotorSilk lubrication technology led directly to an increase in fuel mileage for their service fleets, longer lasting component life for machine and equipment parts, a significant reduction in operating costs and more importantly for the environment a noticeable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Disney is another well-known company that explored using synthetic oil products and has now been using MotorSilk for over five years.

The United States Department of Energy, facilitators of the Argonne Laboratory, estimates that 1/3 to ½ of the world’s energy is lost to friction. The constant use of machinery and equipment leads to corrosion, grime build up and eventually maintenance, repairs and replacements that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, for companies operating large truck fleets and heavy machinery. Several case studies have shown that using MotorSilk reduces friction in combustion fluid systems by up to 65% - 70%. Studies also show that using MotorSilk is the most practical and cost effective means to saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Evergreen America is a sustainable engineering company established in 1996 and based in Wallingford, CT. Evergreen America helps companies and businesses reduce energy costs, eliminate greenhouse gasses, and reduce wear and corrosion using MotorSilk and LubriSilk lubrication technology products.

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