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NOPSA reports preventive maintenance one of the three most common root causes of incidents

Amongst the detailed graphs and tables which track industry progress against key performance indicators this one “takeout” message emerges - prevent accidents by addressing their root causes.

The three most common root causes of incidents are: preventive maintenance requiring improvement; procedures not used or followed; and design specifications needing improvement. These three factors were behind the majority of incidents that NOPSA has examined over the last 12 months of collecting data.

CEOs and senior management are encouraged to take leadership by addressing these root causes to prevent accidents.

When you are planning your operations these three factors should take prominence.

Accordingly, NOPSA plans to conduct at least ten safety leadership and asset integrity ‘themed’ audits in 2009-10. We will seek demonstrations that industry is acting on these main findings on root causes of incidents.

NOPSA web site:

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