Improve Asset Reliability & Efficiency at The Reliability Conference

The Reliability Conference 2025: Actionable Insights for Reliability Success.

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The primary interest of RLI
is advancing reliability and asset management

Established in 2015 as a community of practice (CoP), the Reliability Leadership Institute (RLI), based in Fort Myers, Florida, includes more than 20 leading asset owners, engineering consulting firms and solution providers from both the public and private sectors.

These organizations have joined together to enhance the business effectiveness and sustainability of reliability and asset management through RLI peer-to-peer collaboration, active project management, research, related initiatives and industry alliances.

A learning organization with a wealth of knowledge, experience and information,
RLI is unique in the reliability and asset management community.

All RLI members share the use of a common performance improvement approach based on the Uptime® Elements™ - A Reliability Framework and Asset Management System™.

The primary interest of RLI is advancing reliability and asset management.

1 Vision

The Reliability Leadership Institute vision is to create consistent and predictable value for organizations that are advancing reliability and asset management using a common reliability framework and asset management system.

2 Mission

The mission of the Reliability Leadership Institute is to transform the way asset owners, engineering consultants and solution providers collaborate to advance reliability and asset management in a manner that enhances safety, environmental performance and economic results in tangible ways.

3 Benefits

  • Collaboration with leading institutions
  • Access to research and benchmarking reports
  • Team accountability to help ensure that reliability improvement efforts sustain
  • Project implementation with Uptime® Elements™ Assessment Tool
  • Access to Uptime® Elements™ Academy online learning management system
  • Access to virtual special interest group meetings
  • Discounts on books, conferences, workshops and training

Change Things

The RLI Community of Practice is the place where ideas and concepts turn into actions through the deceptively simple, yet powerful 3-Month Orbit project execution process. It is also a place where learning is compressed and amplified because everyone is using the Uptime® Elements™- A Reliability Framework and Asset Management System™, which creates a common language and context for action.

In 2017, take a stand to be a Reliability Leader and create a future that was not going to happen anyway.

The universe does not change because of what you know,

what you think and what you believe.

It only changes through action.

What is RLI Membership?

Watch this video to learn More!

RLI Members Receive Unlimited Access to The Uptime® Elements™ Academy (LMS)

The Uptime® Elements™ Academy learning management system (LMS) allows unlimited access for RLI Members and your employees, to immerse yourselves into the Uptime Elements passport series through video, audio, or eBook formats—or a combination of the three.

Watch Video

Interested to Learn More

If you are interested to learn more about the RLI Community of Practice or you want to become a member, please send us an email at so we can contact you.