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Search Results for how do you justify the purchase of a new cmms

10 Things Your Management Needs to Know Now

10 Things Your Management Needs to Know Now

There is a widespread misunderstanding of what preventive maintenance (PM) does and does not do. PM does not put iron into an inadequate machine. PM does not work on junk. Initiating a PM program rarely effects your breakdown rate for a year or more unless you commit to this one thing. PM and predictive maintenance (PdM) inspection detect deterioration, damage and defects that will lead to failures, but does not stop them! You stop these incipient failures by doing the corrective tasks, which include correcting the damage, deterioration, or defect in a timely way before the failure.

Waiting for CMMS Success?

Quality Data Is Key to Finding Promising Results

by Tracy Smith and Clay Bush

A Journey Toward Wireless Asset Condition Monitoring

A Journey Toward Wireless Asset Condition Monitoring

In maintenance, a big challenge is how to put different concepts and theories into practice, especially when you must also change the mind-set of your workforce and introduce a new way of thinking.

Spare Parts Inventory: An Exercise in Risk Management

By Joel Levitt and Phillip Slater

Risk Management

In this section we will look at what risk management entails and how it is conducted. In part two we will direct the question on the risks and management choices faced in managing spare parts.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

Reliability in the Regulatory and Compliance Environment

by Steve Mislan, Charleston Water System, Charleston, SC

“Should any person cause to flow into or be cast into any of the creeks, streams or inland waters of this State any impurities that are poisonous to fish or destructive to their spawn, such person shall, upon conviction, be punished.” - South Carolina Colonial Assembly, 1671

Sustaining RCM Success Using the Uptime Elements Framework

Sustaining RCM Success Using the Uptime Elements Framework

RCM implementation must be strategic for it to succeed and be sustainable. The Uptime ® Elements framework is ideal for building the support, reasoning and process for an RCM effort.

RPM Method + RCM = Reliability

RPM Method + RCM = Reliability

Picture this: It’s Monday morning and you’re the maintenance manager of an industrial plant. On your desk is a printout of 432 open work orders and the operations manager is screaming because air compressor #2 just tripped for the third time this month. To make matters worse, you just remembered two of your technicians went fishing for the week. The question is: “What can this maintenance manager do to improve this situation?” The obvious answer is to go fishing with the two technicians. Maybe a better question to ask is: "What can be done to improve plant performance?"

Getting a Grip on Maintenance Costs with Asset-Based Budgeting

by Remco Jonker

Maintenance adds value by providing available, reliable, safe and eco-friendly production equipment. Yet, fulfilling this task involves costs that can account for a significant part of a company’s overall expenditure. Nevertheless, few maintenance organizations truly have a grip on their maintenance costs.part2


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Maintenance Organizations

by Paul Swatkowski

Through his books and audio programs, Steven Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and other works, has been a great influence on me and many of my colleagues.  Over the years I’ve noticed a direct correlation of the practices of successful maintenance organizations and Dr. Covey’s seven habits.  This article is based directly on Dr. Covey’s seven habits.  It is drawn habit-by-habit from his book but with the examples modified to fit the maintenance world.

Is There Too Much Capacity

It is currently October 2009 and evidence is mounting that the world's economies are slowly emerging from the bottom of the Great Recession. Despite that good news; Gross Domestic Product is far below its level of 2007. The important strategic questions for business people are:

• "What is likely to happen in the coming years?"
• "Should I change my thinking about reliability and process improvement?
• "How can I best position myself and my organization for the likely scenarios?"

What is Likely to Happen?

Seeing ROI With Infrared, Even In A Down Economy

by David Doerhoff

The sluggish economy is taking its toll on many areas of industry.  Manufacturers are looking for smart, cost-effective ways to help their facilities operate more efficiently and save money without sacrificing product quality and performance.

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