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special reports

SAP EAM/Plant Maintenance Best Practices Study

SAP EAM/Plant Maintenance Best Practices Study

Second only to energy, maintenance costs are a significant portion of every company's expense budget. Recognizing this fact, companies have implemented strategies to alter the perception that maintenance is a necessary evil to one where maintenance is considered a strong contributor to the company's profitability.

MRO Best Practices Special Report

MRO Best Practices Special Report

A good maintenance storeroom is a well-oiled machine. Imagine 99.9 percent service levels for critical spares or window wait times under 10 minutes 95 percent of the time. A great storeroom gives you the capability to figure out what unidentified parts actually are or to know when your special-order parts hit the receiving dock.

The MRO Best Practices Report explores the conditions of successful storerooms, as well as those with little or no expertise in maintenance spare parts management. Results and insights on the Maintenance Management Benchmarking Survey are also included. 

Maximo Asset Management, Made Simple

Maximo Asset Management, Made Simple

This document provides insights from a maintenance perspective, the day-to-day user of the system and the information contained within it. Identifying all maintainable assets and their physical locations are critical to the maintenance function. From this functionality, data to identify the required maintenance strategies, develop logical maintenance routes and identify routine spare parts can be understood.

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Asset Condition Monitoring (ACM) Project Manager’s Guide

Asset Condition Monitoring (ACM) Project Manager’s Guide

This is a resource no organization should be without! The Asset Condition Monitoring (ACM) Project Manager’s Guide provides basic information about what an ACM initiative or organizational component is, how it should be conducted and who should be involved. The material is presented to help an organization determine if it is ready to undertake ACM. The guide also identifies ideas and practices an organization must embrace or improve and notes pitfalls to avoid in order to enhance its chance of success. 

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Project Manager’s Guide

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Project Manager’s Guide

The Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Project Manager’s Guide uses a clear, flexible process and set of criteria so an organization can assess what it takes to successfully conduct and implement an RCM project and avoid pitfalls along the way to experiencing measured results that add significantly to the bottom line.

In addition, the guide includes a primer on RCM fundamentals, a section dedicated to sustaining benefits while continuously improving, and a glossary of key terms. The appendices offer useful resources to gain commitment for success.

Work Execution Management Project Manager’s Guide

Work Execution Management Project Manager’s Guide

If one considers asset management as caring for the assets of an organization, then it is true that Work Execution Management enables asset management. If one considers that reliability engineering for maintenance and asset condition management generates the work to be performed, then Work Execution Management is the process in which the work is accomplished.

The Work Execution Management (WEM) Project Manager's Guide is your recipe for success. This report reflects best practices common to all major Work Execution Management approaches and captures lessons learned from organizations deeply involved with Work Execution Management. The future of Work Execution Management is about to change!

Please enjoy this complimentary guide download.

Acoustic Lubrication Guidelines for Rolling Element Bearings in Electric Motors Report

Acoustic Lubrication Guidelines for Rolling Element Bearings in Electric Motors Report

Are you killing your bearings?

Major bearing manufacturers and lubrication experts state that one of the major causes of bearing failure is over-lubrication.

Updated! 2015 RCM Benchmarking Report

Updated! 2015 RCM Benchmarking Report

A Note from Terrence O'Hanlon, CEO and Publisher and Uptime Magazine:

" is excited about bringing its 2005 study on reliability centered maintenance (RCM) up to date in 2015 to track the advances that had been achieved in the ten years since the original study.

In my own work with Uptime Elements – A Reliability Framework for Asset Performance, I noticed fewer and fewer organizations with whom I was in contact applying reliability centered maintenance in order to develop maintenance strategies. I was hearing oft-cited excuses of excessive cost, exorbitant time, massive resource requirements and low management support as reasons why RCM had not been applied.

With release and publication of ISO 55001:2014 Asset management -- Management systems – Requirements, asset owners are being asked to ensure that they have policies, strategies and plans that ensure they fully understand how to create value from assets while balancing risk at a level that is acceptable to the organization."

Asset Management Practices, Investments and Challenges 2014-2019

Asset Management Practices, Investments and Challenges 2014-2019

Asset management will make the world a better place and reliability is a key element in making asset management work.

CMMS Best Practices Study - A Perspective

CMMS Best Practices Study - A Perspective

Julie Rampello

Selected graphs are taken from the CMMS Best Practices Study and are consistent with report's figure reference. produced a CMMS Best Practices Study in July 2011 demonstrating the value computerized maintenance management systems add, as well as areas for future growth and improvement. The report was based on a survey of users conducted earlier that year which focused on implementation, use and sustainability.

As a marketer, this report is important as it provides an opportunity to better understand the user experience with CMMS in general and, for the Maximo brand specifically, the CMMS that Projetech provides. From this report, we see there is much that is changing in CMMS and the details summarized in the report provide us with opportunities to address the evolving needs of our customers. It is my pleasure to provide a perspective on the results of the survey and report.

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