IMC is set to revolutionize how we think about Asset Management. Happening in Marco Island, Dec 16th - 19th 2024

IMC 2024 is designed to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and tools needed to lead with foresight and innovation.

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work execution management

Definition: Infant Mortality

Failures that occur prematurely. Such failures can occur because of inadequate design, inferior material, poor workmanship, improper installation, or quality problems in any work that was done ...

The Top 6 Benefits of Predictive Maintenance

In his book, Plant Engineer's Handbook, Keith Mobley links the following benefits to PdM:

  • Maintenance costs - down by 50%
  • Unexpected failures - reduced by 55%
  • Repair and overhaul time - down by 60%


Inconsistent Part Numbers and Descriptions Cause Part Shortages, and Delays in Repairs

Inconsistent Part Numbers and Descriptions Cause Part Shortages, and Delays in Repairs. How do you change this outcome?

For one, be consistent on establishing part numbers, whether the computer

Invisible Defects

My tip may seem extremely mundane but think about if it applies to you.

As well as being a maintenance manager I am also a scuba diving instructor.

Whilst leading a dive with people who were here

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Failed part, failure mode, failure code, failure cause

Accurate Work Order Close Out “Tool Box Training”

Accurate Work Order Close Out is important for the continuous improvement of any organization.

Look Sharp With A Sharpie

A simple tool like a sharpie can provide a lot of information. Use it to mark a date on a spare part when you receive it. That date can help with FIFO information and also show you instant Webinar: How To Edit Your Profile Webinar: How To Edit Your Profile

A 30 minute tutorial presented by Terrence O'Hanlon that explains how to use the FREE member web site to build your professional brand and your professional network.

One of the advantages of your FREE membership at the Association for Maintenance Professionals is being able to connect with people who DO WHAT YOU DO.

In other words, you can find other maintenance and reliability professionals who use the same EAM software, or the same Vibration data collector or have a job and daily challenges that are very similar to yours.

This does require that your profile be completed with as much detail as possible. The good news is that this task is easy to accomplish!

About the Association for Maintenance Professionals

The Association for Maintenance Professionals is a not for profit association dedicated to facilitating networking between maintenance and reliability professional.

The web site at has been called the LinkedIn or Facebook for the maintenance and reliability community without so much job Recruiting and NO commercial advertising.

Together We Can Make a Difference

Link the "PAST:"PRESENT" and FUTURE for improved Maintenance Productivity and Equipment Reliability.

1) Reflect the Past

2) Observe the Present "In Real Time"

3) Take actions immediately

4) Protect from the Real Root Causes of Equipment Down-Time and Loss of Maintenance Productivity.

Team Work and Collaboration are KEY to


MP-2 and You (Part Two)

Another common misunderstood area of MP-2 is INSTRUCTIONS and TASKS. INSTRUCTIONS are developed for specific activities and linked together as TASKS. The INSTRUCTIONS are the necessary steps to


Bearing Handling “Tool Box Training”

Reference: SKF Bearing Installation and Maintenance Guide

General Rules which must be followed:

"If any of these rules are not followed they will result in reduced life of a bearing resulting in


Autonomous Maintenance Definition

A maintenance strategy wherein machine adjustments and minor maintenance is performed by operators who are deemed to have unique knowledge about the equipment. It is a principal pillar of Total

Correct Sensor Mounting for High Frequency Detection, Enveloping or Demodulation to Monitor Bearings

Many people use one of these high frequency techniques to detect and monitor bearing wear. However, the location and mounting of the accelerometer on the machine will determine the ultimate

Mounting: Your accelerometer should be stud mounted. Magnetic mounts and handheld probes should not be used. The accelerometer should be mounted on a surface that has been spot faced and tapped to accept the accelerometer stud per manufacturer instructions. When it is installed, the stud should be tight, stretching the stud to ensure proper contact and coupling across the entire face of the accelerometer. Burrs or dirt on the face or a poorly drilled and tapped hole will degrade the signal, so be sure to use the appropriate tools. If you must use a portable sensor, be sure to use one of the stud mounting systems offered by several manufacturers.

....  For more information:

4 Steps to Success for Maintenance Supervisors

4 Steps to Success for Maintenance Supervisors

A Webinar presentation by Ricky Smith, CMRP at GPAllied

Maintenance Supervisors are the people who make the largest impact on reliability in most organizations and thus I created this One Hour WebEx to provide ideas which will allow them to far exceed management's expectations.

Ricky will be using his past experience as a maintenance supervisor and "lessons learned" while working with hundreds of maintenance supervisors for the past 15 years to transfer his knowledge to these great maintenance leaders. Ricky sincerely wants to see maintenance supervisor become the best they can be. Maintenance Supervisors have the most difficult job in any organization and yet they can achieve a higher degree of satisfaction with their job by using a few simple tips.


During a recent Meridium - SAP webinar titled "Optimizing SAP Maintenance Plans" produced by, attendees were asked: What percentage of your previous RCM/FMEA recommendations actually made it into SAP? The answers indicate reliability & maintenance professionals are still struggling to get the recommendations coming out of their RCM/FMEA studies into SAP for execution.

13% of the respondents answered that 76% - 100% of their recommendations make it into SAP
16% of the respondents answered that 51% - 75% of their recommendations make it into SAP
29% of the respondents answered that 26% - 50% of their recommendations make it into SAP
43% of the respondents answered that 0% - 25% of their recommendations make it into SAP

The science behind these


What is the Objective of Planning and Scheduling?

That question seems simple enough, however the answer may be one of the fundamental causes for Planning and Scheduling efforts that fail to deliver their potential.

Normally, the answer to this

Chasing The Shiny Stuff

One of the most important and most often overlooked areas of maintenance and reliability improvement lies in the fundamentals. Many of the facilities that I visit are caught in a game of


Reviewing Critical Spare Parts

Maintenance and reliability engineers will happily (well, not happily) undertake a review of spare parts that are not classified as critical, yet they will shy away from reviewing items that are


Definition: Five S

A structured program to reduce waste and optimize productivity utilizing five terms beginning with "S" to create a workplace suited for visual control and lean operations:

The Five S' are:

1. Sort (Seiri) - to separate needed tools, parts, and the instructions from unneeded materials and to remove the latter.
2. (Seiton) - to neatly arrange and identify parts and tools for ease of use.3. (Seiso) - to conduct a cleanup campaign.4. (Seiketsu) - to conduct Seiri, Seiton and Seiso at daily intervals to maintain a workplace in perfect condition.5. (Shitsuke) - to form the habit of always following the first four S'.


Welding on Equipment “Tool Box Training”

Maintenance Supervisors should use this tool to train their maintenance techs, welders and contractors - 10-20 minutes - Post them in the Maintenance Shop after use

Electric Arc caused by welding

...(Caution: follow these recommendations only if you want to stop self induced failures caused by welding)

Check Your PM Program to Eliminate Wasted Effort

If any of your PM inspections are not identifying corrective work (check your work order history) and there is no regulatory requirement for the inspections then remove them from your PM system.

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