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Guiding Principles For Planning And Scheduling “Keeping An Organization Focused”

"Focusing an organization's efforts is the only way to achieve and maintain success"

Guiding Principles are principles an organization must follow in order to be successful in any area where there may not be proper alignment. Planning and scheduling will never be effective without the alignment of Production, Maintenance, and Engineering. Guiding Principles keeps an organization focused and the success of planning and
scheduling hinges on these principles.

Planning and Scheduling Guiding Principles are developed together with leadership in Production, Maintenance, Maintenance Planning, Maintenance Scheduling, Reliability Engineering, Maintenance Engineering, and Project Engineering. Developing these principles together as a team allows an organization to be aligned in their efforts and ensure success of Maintenance Planning and Scheduling.

Planning Guiding Principles

• All "critical" work will have effective work procedures developed.
• All PMs/PdMs (not regulatory) must address specific failure modes.
• Planners focus only on future work.
• Bill of Materials must be developed for all Critical Equipment.
• Production and Maintenance must be aligned in the planning process:
o Roles and Responsibilities
o Expectations
o Metrics
• Jobs not previously planned will be "scoped" by the maintenance technician and the planner.

Scheduling Guiding Principles

• Planned Jobs must have all parts on site and kitted before being scheduled.
• Availability of equipment must be communicated to maintenance at least 7 days in advance.
• Perform an after-action review on any shutdown over 4 hours applying the 2 up / 2 down Rule

2 Up/ 2 Down Rules states: "when performing an after action review only focus on 2 items we did well and must sustain and,
2 areas we need to improve the next time"

• Manage the backlog:
o Total
o Ready to Schedule
o Waiting Parts

We hope our latest edition of our book "Planning and Scheduling Made Simple" can be helpful, simple, and to the point. Please send us your comments, questions, and suggestions for topics to cover in the future. You can contact us at: Jerry Wilson, and Ricky Smith, CMRP,

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