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How the Fundamentals Can Save the Human Element in Maintenance and Reliability

How the Fundamentals Can Save the Human Element in Maintenance and Reliability

IMC-2018 Learning Session 38:09

by Nancy Regan, The Force

It's really easy to get caught up in technology, but that can be a very expensive trap. Too often in our industry, the fundamentals of Maintenance and Reliability get cast aside in favor of technology that promises, for example, to reduce costs and increase equipment availability. It usurps the human element and that's killing us - figuratively (and sometimes literally) speaking. After all, humans are in charge, not hi-tech machines and systems. But state-of-the-art technology is becoming a necessity in our world. That's why it's critical that the humans choosing and caring for them don't overlook the fundamentals. Attendees will journey with the presenter through a series of real-world examples' some grave (aircraft crashes), some fun (a couple of hands of No Limit Texas Hold'em), one inspirational (completing a marathon for the first time), one completely unexpected (gluten‚ yes gluten), and more. Through these scenarios, attendees get to explore the fundamentals of Maintenance and Reliability and gain a unique perspective of how they can be applied.

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