Improve Asset Reliability & Efficiency at The Reliability Conference

The Reliability Conference 2025: Actionable Insights for Reliability Success.

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IMC-2020 Presentation 29:27 Minutes

by David Drerup, Operational Sustainability, LLC

Management of Change (MOC) - Why do you need this? What is required? How do you do it?

Discover the business case for change, maturity roadmap, types of changes and why it is important to your organization and personnel.

Why do you need MOC?

  • MOC is an integral part of operational risk management
  • By identifying and analyzing new and/or changed hazards prior to implementing the change, inherently safer designs and work practices can be applied to reduce risk - Safety reviews are conducted to ensure documentation is up to date, even if there is no significant safety consequence
  • MOC provides a business advantage


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