Improve Asset Reliability & Efficiency at The Reliability Conference

The Reliability Conference 2025: Actionable Insights for Reliability Success.

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TRC-2020 Presentation 32:49 Minutes

by Karan Zavar, AVEVA

We live in a world that is being flooded with 2,500,000 terabytes of data every day! And that volume is only increasing with the growth of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0. But is this data supporting your organization’s digital transformation and driving actionable insights? Or are you drowning in big data challenges?

To lead in a competitive landscape, companies must leverage this turmoil of information to accelerate accurate decision-making, improving efficiency and performance. Insights, decisions and actions must be rooted in fact and trusted data. People need to be empowered to make decisions in real-time, quickly analyzing multiple sources of data to effectively manage business and operational risks.

But how can we reduce the complexities of dealing with big data, enabling analytics-based insights to drive operational efficiency?

By using existing digital twin technology, the Visual Asset Performance Management (APM) concept funnels multiple silos and formats of information into a single functional lens, with visualization capabilities that garner real-time, actionable insights.

Visual APM distills multiple sources and formats of engineering, operations and information technology data into a single source of truth – the digital twin. Through digital twin technology, users can visualize how assets and business are operating in real-time, easily track anomalies and decide which actions will result in optimal business outcomes.

Visual APM provides the ability to visualize an asset's digital twin in context throughout its entire lifecycle, enabling real time situational awareness from personnel in the field to decision makers at headquarters.

In this session we’ll present a framework to eliminate data silos, improve decision-making and accelerate collaboration across the enterprise with digital twin technology.


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