Improve Asset Reliability & Efficiency at The Reliability Conference

The Reliability Conference 2025: Actionable Insights for Reliability Success.

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What defect did you choose to eliminate?

In the beginning of the journey:

1. On your action team, what was compelling you to eliminate this defect? (Why was it urgent to you?)

2. What was not functioning properly to cause the problem here?

3. What did you have to do to get this thing functioning properly again?

4. Who were the characters that played key roles in the drama that led to this improvement?

5. Were some of the characters skeptical that a solution could be found?

In the middle of the journey:

6. After the early part of the work in identifying the problem, did you run into some obstacle that had to be resolved to continue? (What was the obstacle?)

7. Did this lead to some unique insight or discovery about your problems? (What was the insight?)

8. At this point in the journey did something new have to be created to proceed further? (What was that?)

9. Who was key in getting that done?

10. Was there something that had to be removed or gotten rid of or left behind to continue? (What was that?)

11. What benefit did you get from making this change or eliminating this defect?

In the last stage of the journey:

12. Once the problem was solved, was there or is there some barrier we still have to cross to avoid losing the improvement we created at some time in the future? (What is/was that?)

13. Who was or is key to making the change to prevent this problem from coming back in the future?

14. What power do they need to make this change?

15. Is there something you learned in this journey that adds to your wisdom (i.e. a best practice) that you would like to pass on to others?

16. Is there something humorous that you came across in this journey that makes the best practices lessons learned very memorable?

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