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Lessons Learned, Lessons Lost

Lessons Learned, Lessons Lost

This Tale from the Shop tells the story of one company's simple error that led to a massive shutdown. Utilizing Uptime Elements, they were able to accurately and efficiently diagnose and resolve the problem.

Asset Management An  Enabler for a Circular  Economy

Asset Management An Enabler for a Circular Economy

In the context of asset management, asset-intensive owners and organizations can make existing assets last longer by applying best design practices for products, spares and components.

A Good Blamestorming Session

A Good Blamestorming Session

Playing the blame game is no way to handle any problem. When data isn't reviewed, it is easy for companies of all sizes to fall into this trap.Read how one team handled a faulty machinery problem, and the blame surrounding it.

Reliability and the Planning and Scheduling Process

Reliability and the Planning and Scheduling Process

Planning and Scheduling are critical. You may have already heard that planning and scheduling improves equipment reliability, reduces the risk of unexpected failures, and enhances overall operation efficiency. This article explores how.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

Who's who at The RELIABILITY Conference 2024

The RELIABILITY Conference by takes place May 14-16, 2024 in Seattle Washington with a theme of Reliability Leadership: Taking Action To Make A Difference

You Guys Can Handle It

You Guys Can Handle It

Utilizing resources is smart, but using the right resources for the problem is smarter. This Tales from the Shop story features a situation when a company decided to turn to the wrong resources.

Expectations, Execution and Engagement

Expectations, Execution and Engagement

Achieving reliability and operational excellence isn't about isolated actions, but fostering a culture of collaboration, clear expectations, and active shop floor involvement. Dive into the three key pillars that unlock true operational success.

Decision Making

Decision Making

Tired of biased decision-making in your organization? Imagine prioritizing projects based on clear objectives, not power plays. Multi-objective decision analysis (MODA) levels the playing field, ensuring fair project selection through data-driven, transparent processes. See how one company used MODA to shift the balance and prioritize the right projects for the right reasons.

Plan-Do-Check-Act: The Importance of a Continuous Improvement Cycle

Plan-Do-Check-Act: The Importance of a Continuous Improvement Cycle

Stuck in a cycle of unplanned repairs and backlogged plans? Discover how the PDCA cycle can help you shift from reactive firefighting to proactive, efficient maintenance execution. Learn how to prioritize effectively, analyze performance, and continuously improve your maintenance program.

Isn’t That the Definition of Insanity?

Isn’t That the Definition of Insanity?

Ever felt like a young grasshopper in a room full of seasoned masters? This reliability engineer did, facing skepticism and resistance when implementing new plans. But instead of sweating, he learned two golden rules: Respect knowledge, and involve the team.

Energy-Centered Maintenance: Leveling Up Reliability-Centered Maintenance

Energy-Centered Maintenance: Leveling Up Reliability-Centered Maintenance

A case study demonstrates how ECM detected a manufacturing defect in a pump, leading to a 7% energy reduction and $100,000 in potential savings. The article also explores the key features of ECM hardware and software, and compares the ROI of ECM and RCM approaches.

Critical of Analysis

Critical of Analysis

Is Everything Really Critical? When Everything is Critical, Nothing Is. The reliability team conducted a meeting and met with representatives of the various departments of a facility, such as safety, quality, operations, engineering, maintenance, and even the plant manager.

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