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reliability engineering for maintenance

 RELMAR™ To Launch Marine Reliability-Centred Maintenance Platform for Pilot Study

RELMAR™ To Launch Marine Reliability-Centred Maintenance Platform for Pilot Study

In the 2nd Quarter of 2018, RELMAR will launch its platform with a Pilot Study for a well-known Corporate Shipowner to two Ships...

A Strategic Approach to Optimizing Proactive Maintenance Using Classical RCM

A Strategic Approach to Optimizing Proactive Maintenance Using Classical RCM

The RELIABILITY Conference Learning Session 37:29
by Neil Meyer and Clint Shima, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District

This session relates a SUCCESS story at the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) on the use of Classical RCM to optimize our Treatment Plant Proactive Maintenance. This plant, originally created in 1946, today services 500,000 customers and treats 55 million gallons of wastewater daily with a 24/7 operation. Our mission to protect public health and promote environmental stewardship is supported by efforts to continuously improve overall maintenance effectiveness and asset reliability over the life cycle of the asset. The Classical RCM process is a natural path to pursue in this regard because it initially uses the 80/20 rule to identify the "bad actor" critical systems. It then systematically defines their system functions and the specific equipment failure modes that require proactive PM tasks to avoid high consequence safety, environmental and outage functional failure issues. The project discussed herein is part of an asset management program at Central San that focuses on establishing a framework for Central San to improve maintenance efficiency and functional reliability of assets that is a repeatable program with documented processes and procedures. How this is achieved is described in detail.

 Optimizing Costs Through RCM-Based O&M

Optimizing Costs Through RCM-Based O&M

Today’s water and wastewater facilities must balance the demands of safety, environment and cost. With shrinking budgets, water and wastewater treatment facilities are asked to do more with

  • ...

Walking the Dog Again

You may recall from Chapter 3 and the function development process called walking the dog that you’d be walking the dog again when developing failure modes. Let’s return to the fuel supply


A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

Steps to Performing RCM Analysis

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) delivers a set of reliability-based, proactive tasks, focused on sustaining the desired functionality of systems and equipment. Having an RCM approach ...

 December - January 2018

December - January 2018

Click to read all articles from this issue. You can also download the full PDF.

Cost Reductions Without Losses to Equipment Effectiveness and Asset Integrity

Cost Reductions Without Losses to Equipment Effectiveness and Asset Integrity

Maintenance and reliability teams, programs and practices seem to be a constant target for cost reductions, but this brings up an important question: How can it be accomplished without losses to equipment effectiveness and asset integrity?

When companies implement overarching programs to reduce equipment failure, it isn’t always apparent where the problems and root causes exist because the programs often attempt to address everything at once. Some immediate returns and benefits are realized, however, these programs often do much more than is actually required. An example includes following the original equipment manufacturer’s guidelines without taking into account or adjusting for site specifications and equipment layouts.

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)-Driven Asset Management for Major Capital Projects

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)-Driven Asset Management for Major Capital Projects

The RELIABILITY Conference Case Study - 43:16 
by Walter Sanford, PinnacleART

You spent 10 billion USD conceiving, designing, constructing, and commissioning a major capital project for an offshore production asset. Now, how are you going to manage it? A comprehensive, proactive, risk-based maintenance plan is an integral part of your asset management program. Another essential component is a risk-based operational spare parts strategy – identification of the parts needed to complete proactive and corrective maintenance tasks for operating equipment, and how these parts will be made available when needed. This case study reviews the methodology used and the results achieved for using RCM to drive the comprehensive Risk Management strategy for a major capital project. Development included critical Asset Management elements, such as the Asset Hierarchy, Risk Based Maintenance program, Operator Driven Reliability, Risk Based Spare Parts Strategy, and all associated procedures and plans, fully populated in the CMMS and other management systems. The results demonstrated significant benefits over traditional approaches. For example, performing the detailed spare parts analysis and making risk-based decisions for stocking quantities resulted in a cost savings of over 10 million USD in reduced part stocking requirements, compared to following the vendor recommendations.

The What, Why, and How of Maintenance Strategy Optimization

Reactive Routines

Sometimes, when an organization has been burned in the past by a preventable failure, they overcompensate by performing maintenance tasks more often than necessary.


 October - November 2017

October - November 2017

Click to read all articles from this issue. You can also download the full PDF.

 Going Digital: Bentley Announces iModel 2.0 Cloud Platform and Its iModelHub Cloud Service

Going Digital: Bentley Announces iModel 2.0 Cloud Platform and Its iModelHub Cloud Service

Seamlessly Overlays Current BIM Processes, Augmenting ProjectWise Design Integration to Enable Digital Workflows for Connected Projects and Connected Assets

Mechanical Seal Flush API Plan 53B: What Can Plant Operators Do to Help?

Mechanical Seal Flush API Plan 53B: What Can Plant Operators Do to Help?

Mechanical seals are a great cause of concern and failures in many operating plants. This is especially true of systems that are pumping or compressing dirty fluids. Some examples include bottoms pumps, sulfur pumps, or equipment that is handling abrasive or challenging process media. Mechanical seals are often redesigned, replaced and repaired simply because of the challenging conditions these seals face during operation. This has continually led to excessive costs in terms of repair or redesign, not to mention production loss and cost associated on a critical unspared asset.

ROI Calculations for Online Condition Monitoring Systems

ROI Calculations for Online Condition Monitoring Systems

Continuous condition monitoring (CM) is advised for those assets that run continuously, perform functions that are crucial to the production process, have grave failure consequences, are expensive to maintain, or pose a risk to personnel safety and the environment.

Before launching a CM program, though, plant operators have to identify the goals, such as increasing machine uptime, preventing failures of critical machines, protecting workers from the consequences of machine damages, or enhancing product quality.

Optimizing Proactive Maintenance Using RCM

Optimizing Proactive Maintenance Using RCM

A major challenge currently confronting plant staff and management is how to deliver cost-effective and sustainable business practices based on plant performance requirements over the lifecycle of the assets. This can be especially challenging when it comes to recruiting and retaining skilled technicians who can operate and maintain an industrial complex. While it is recognized that a primary cause for this challenge is a shrinking pool of newly qualified technicians to replace the retiring workforce, a second and substantial cause is the inefficient allocation of resources that are here TODAY. What can be done to address this inefficiency? This article suggests a ready solution exists when you stop to recognize that not everything in your plants is of equal importance to achieving your objectives. Think return on investment (ROI). How can you identify those systems and equipment that are most responsible (think critical) for the loss of ROI? In the operations and maintenance (O&M) world, the selective application of reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) to your plants can optimize the use of available resources. This article describes a real-world application of RCM to focus the optimal use of your available resources.

 Causelink Root Cause Analysis Software adds Timeline

Causelink Root Cause Analysis Software adds Timeline

Sologic has released Version 4.0 of their browser-based root cause analysis software, Causelink Enterprise. New features make presentation of RCAs more effective.

 Emerson Launches Industry-first Controller Designed for Automation Versatility and IIoT-enabled Ops

Emerson Launches Industry-first Controller Designed for Automation Versatility and IIoT-enabled Ops

DeltaV™ PK Controller simplifies capital projects, readies organizations for operational benefits of IIoT

Inherent Defect Elimination

Uptime Elements Defect Elimination

While predictive and preventive maintenance activities are useful in preventing failures, they do not permanently eliminate the defects inherent in an asset that allow the deterioration


Benefits of Developing and Optimizing Effective Maintenance Strategies

Benefits of Developing and Optimizing Effective Maintenance Strategies

The RELIABILITY Conference - 47:14 
by Chad Broussard, Phillips 66 and Chris Colson, Allied Reliability Group

Developing, implementing, and sustaining effective maintenance strategies are common obstacles for all organizations. This presentation shares insight into one company’s journey through the implementation of failure-based maintenance strategies, including Preventive Maintenance (PM), Predictive Maintenance (PdM), and Operator Care tasks. Performing the correct work with the correct knowledge and expertise is vital to the operations of a business. Improved equipment reliability requires not only the detection of failures but also improved techniques through proper skills training. Doing so begins with a plan and follows through execution. Success of such is measured through the expectations of precision maintenance and operational techniques that eliminate the root cause of equipment failure. This implementation required constant collaboration between Operations, Maintenance Mechanics, PdM Technicians, Planners, Schedulers, Supervisors, and Management to ultimately improve increased capacity through equipment reliability, all of which has resulted in achieving measurable financial improvements.

Transition from Reactive to Condition Based Maintenance - Baby Steps in Implementation of RCM II

Transition from Reactive to Condition Based Maintenance - Baby Steps in Implementation of RCM II

The RELIABILITY Conference - 50:51 
by Wekianos Hailu, Clark County Water Reclamation District

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) as a maintenance philosophy has evolved in response to the needs of the speedy growth and diversification of technology and the demands dictated by organizational management and overall economic expectations. Traditional “fix it when it broke” mentality has been shown to be ineffective as a primary mode of maintenance and it is giving way to Condition Based Maintenance (CBM).

CBM is incorporated in the much wider concept of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM). RCM, as a maintenance philosophy, is an integrated process in which factors including design, operation and maintenance aspects of an asset are evaluated towards optimum output and/ or maximum economic gain.

As a result multitude of organizations have embarked on CBM and RCM II and a lot more are on their way to implementing the philosophy. Implementation of CBM and transition to RCM, in general, require careful planning, training of necessary personnel and acquisition of condition monitoring tools together with the blessing of upper management.

The presentation will cover important aspects of RCM II such as, Failure, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, the Consequences of Failure. As an indication of how simple it is to start the implementation of CBM, experience at Clark County Water reclamation District, more specifically, a case of an 800 HP electric motor will be presented. The experience will be used to introduce and explain RCM principles indicated above, and other important tools such as Root Cause Analysis.

The parts that comprise the Uptime Elements will be introduced with emphasis on Asset Condition Monitoring tools and elements that relate to the case of the 800 HP.

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