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reliability engineering for maintenance

Choosing the Right PdM Technology for the Right Reasons

Do you ever wonder which tool or technology is the best to deploy for cost effective predictive maintenance? Many of today's PdM technologies can be used for multiple applications. This

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Scrub Your PM Library

In our last iLearnReliability Tip #3: Critical Asset Assessment, we discussed completing an FMEA and some data analysis on our most critical assets. It is now time to take a hard look at our

So ...

Myths of RCM Implementation - PART 1 of 2

 by Carlos Mario Perez Jaramillo

Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) focuses on identifying what should be done to assure the functions of a system or asset in a safe, cost-effective and reliable way. RCM analysis is carried out by a group of experts, called the analysis team, for the equipment, asset, or object of the study. It is their responsibility to answer seven questions (above) about the asset being analyzed.

7 questions to ask when analyzing your assets:

  1. What are the functions and performance associated with the asset’s standards in its current operating context?
  2. In what ways does it not perform its functions?
  3. What is the cause stopping it from performing its function?
  4. What happens when each failure occurs?
  5. What is the impact of each failure?
  6. What can be done to predict or prevent every failure?
  7. What should be done if adequate work could not be performed before the failure?
Priority vs Criticality

Critical priority

Priority something that is more important than other things and needs to be done or dealt with first criticality a relative ranking of equipment based on the probability of its failure and the consequences of the failure.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Cardan Shaft Performance Optimization

Cardan Shaft Performance Optimization

Power transmission components like couplings, belts, spacer shafts, sprockets, gears, etc., seem like child's play when faced with cardan shaft issues, and yet applying a few precision maintenance methods on installation can save tremendous headaches down the road, AND ensure smooth, trouble-free operation.


The Quest of the 2 Questions - A Basic View of Industrial Reliability & the Things that Hold Program

by Peter Chalich

This is the first of a two-part series. Part 1 covers value and methods for understanding how our equipment is failing. Part 2 will address the value and methods for understanding the services that we may or may not be providing our equipment.

Improving Reliability –Top Down or Bottom Up?

Are you planning a project to improve equipment reliability? Where do you start? There are generally two ways to approach the problem - top down or bottom up.

The top down approach starts with

ARMS Reliability Launches A Suite Of Reliability Training Courses

ARMS Reliability, a Global Reliability service and training provider to resource, energy and other large asset managers, announced the launch of their Reliability Training Catalogue for 2014 which now incorporates learning paths from Innocence to Excellence.

Why Single-Source Supply Contracts Can Disappoint - PART 2

by Heinz P. Bloch

Part 1 of this article in the Dec/Jan 2014 issue of Uptime introduced the premise that all manufacturers operate with business models that emphasize quality, low price, or innovation. It started with the common sense position that a manufacturing entity that simultaneously and consistently achieved all three would soon become the only surviving provider of the asset in question. Part 2 looks at the caveats in process pump engineering addressed by machinery quality assessment (MQA).

Seven Abilities of Reliability

Good equipment reliability requires that several abilities be taken into consideration for success:

1. Design-Ability: Most equipment is designed with the focus of being "on-time" and "on-budget", but not to be reliable. It is very difficult for your Maintenance Department to overcome poor equipment design. Poor equipment design will create recurring issues that will require repeated maintenance over the life span of the equipment.

2. Install-Ability: Equipment that is not properly installed will continually require maintenance resources to keep it operational upon demand. Additionally, large amounts of equipment defects are introduced during the installation process.

3. MaintainAbility: Maintainability is a characteristic of design and installation. The machine should be designed and installed so that maintenance activities can be easily completed in a timely manner restoring the equipment to its normal operating state, safely and with a reliability focus.

4. MeasurAbility: Equipment design, installation, operation and maintenance must be measured. All of the "abilities" should be designed and implemented in a way that allows performance and adherence to be measured. Otherwise, continuous improvement will be very difficult.

5. UsAbility: The equipment should be designed with its intended users (operations and maintenance) in mind. The equipment must be efficient to use, easy to learn to operate and maintain.

6. AccountAbility: Create reasonable expectations that challenge people, provide them the required means (tools, etc.) to do their job, offer support and hold them accountable for their efforts. Do not be oppressive! Be rewarding instead! A management style that is oppressive and punishes people for mistakes will create a work force that hides things. A management style that rewards people for their successes will produce an environment of employees that want to make continual improvements.

7. SustainAbility: Consideration and planning should be given to the long term implementation and sustainability of any reliability program. This includes ensuring that funding, management support, training, resources, etc. are provided continually and not just for a few months, or the first year, etc. A large percentage of reliability programs fail because they are not implemented in such a way as to make them sustainable over the longer term.

Condition Monitoring can help with these aspects of reliability. Condition Monitoring can help identify design related issues, installation related issues, maintenance tasks that should be completed, identify where processes tend to fail (accountability), etc.

Watch our ReliAbilities video tutorial

Tip Provided By: Ludeca

Breaking The Reliability Cycle Of Despair: The Application of Strategic Reliability Principles

By Jay Shellogg

Since the discovery of modern asset reliability principles, first detailed by F. Stanley Nowlan and Howard F. Heap in the mid-1960s, up until the latest evolution in the 1990s by John Moubray, some 30 odd years have passed, but with little rigorous adoption of these principles into the asset management strategies of North American industry. This article is intended to help explain why the adoption of these truths has been so hard to come by over these past 30 years and what it will take for the adoption of these reliability principles to occur.

Analysis of a Mechanical Seal Failure

by Umeet Bhachu

Weibull analysis is an important statistical tool in the realm of reliability engineering. It helps in the modeling of increasing, decreasing and constant failure rates.

Proactive Maintenance – Journey to Reliability

Proactive Maintenance – Journey to Reliability

The path to Proactive Maintenance is a difficult one, and you may not recognize it, but you are already traveling this road! In truth, the well run maintenance organization will continue to employ some elements of reactive, preventive, and predictive strategies. None of these however, including predictive maintenance (PdM), improves machine reliability. Each one, to a greater or lesser extent, is simply reacting to a machine symptom, ie., vibration, temperature, noise, etc. Proactive maintenance looks beyond the symptom to the cause and through precision maintenance, and a focus on reliability can actually improve machine operation.

Root Cause Analysis and Defect Elimination

What is "defect elimination" and a "Defect Elimination program"?

"Defect elimination" analyses the defect, and then implements corrective actions to prevent future similar defects.

A "Defect

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Risk Based Assessment of Spare Parts

Risk Based Assessment of Spare Parts

Kimberly Vaughn, Material Engineer from Management Resources Group Inc. discusses the importance of a risk based assessment and the total cost of a company’s stocking decisions.  You will learn and understand the risks inherent in every stocking decision and how not all inventory should be treated in the same manner.

Honeywell Launches Distributed Control System For Small To Mid-Size Process Applications

Experion LX Brings the Best of the Award-Winning Experion PKS Technology and Innovations to Smaller Plants

Where Do Reliability Engineers Come From? - Part 2

University of Tennessee Reliability and Maintainability Center (UT-RMC)…Where Industry and Academia Meet

By Dr. Klaus M Blache

Honeywell Showcases Innovations For Industrial Controls at 25Th Annual Customer Event

Collaboration, Cyber Security Innovations Headline Honeywell Users Group Symposium for Europe, Middle East and Africa Area

Where Do Reliability Engineers Come From?

by Dr. Klaus M Blache

Where do reliability engineers come from? To address this, we need to start with a few definitions, then reliability engineering can be best explained by listing some examples of what reliability engineering can do towards improving your operations.

Equipment Data: The Other Tool Your Craftsmen Need

Equipment Data: The Other Tool Your Craftsmen Need

Bob Peffen, Senior Consultant, Management Resources Group Inc. discusses how poor data quality can affect maintenance work planning, scheduling and execution.

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