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A Very Interesting Quick Exercise for Your Staff

  1. Explain to each staff person that we are conducting a study of the Maintenance department. What you tell the people:
    List all your activities. After you create the list please describe each activity in enough detail that an outsider could understand what you are talking about and include: In a typical week what % of your time is spent doing what activity, what are your most important activities, what activities do you like best, what activities do you like least. Add any comments about your job that you think could help this study. Important: Please add any activities that happen annually or quarterly.
  2. At the same time the Maintenance Manager writes about the duties of the above staff person. He or she will define the duties of the above position. How much time should be spent on each activity? What is the most important activity, what is the 'mission' of the position?
  3. The areas of difference of opinion are the areas to look at. This is where an open mind is essential for success. It is frequently the case that the person doing the task has a much better idea about what is important to the smooth running of the department then does the manager.

When the review is complete you have an excellent start on or revision to the job description. More importantly you have an opportunity to intervene into the business system that produces the useful output (in our case maintenance services) and streamline it.

Tip provided by Joel Levitt, CRL, CPMM, Prosci Certified Change Management Practitioner

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