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More Videos From Rap Talk

Fit for Purpose in the Digital Age

MaximoWorld-2019 Rap Talk 14:02

by Jim Stuart, Lloyd's Register 

Redefining Asset Performance Management

MaximoWorld-2019 Rap Talk 32:04

by Terrence O'Hanlon, CEO,® and Publisher of Uptime® Magazine

It’s Not You, but It’s You

This RAP talk will explore why we need to look in the mirror if we are not happy with the results we are getting. 

Designing for Reliability

TRC-2018 Rap Talk - 18:52

by Ramesh Gulati, Jacobs

Most of the asset fail during operation, or defects which cause failures, get detected during the operational phase. What and who cause these failures? Is it operations (operators) and/or maintenance? In the past, maintenance and sometimes operations got blamed for these failures. Are they solely responsible? In recent years, we have learned that majority of asset failures are caused by defects which are introduced during the design, procurement, build/fabrication, and installation, also known as acquisition phase. It is much more economical to correct these defects at early stages to design/build assets for reliable operations. This is what we call Designing for Reliability. This RAP Talk suggests that little more investing during the acquisition phase can reduce failures as well as the total cost of ownership.

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It’s Not You, but It’s You

TRC-2018 RAP Talk 18:16
by George Williams and Joe Anderson, B. Braun Medical

This RAP talk will explore why we need to look in the mirror if we are not happy with the results we are getting. Moreover, we will encourage and challenge the audience to take ownership of their reliability success.

Using the Industrial Internet of Relationships to Build Supply Bridges

TRC-2018 RAP Talk 21:10
by Allan Rienstra, SDT

The transactional relationship between buyer and seller is as old as civilization itself. While our civilization evolves at a frantic pace, a collaboration between supply and demand remain mired in the stone ages. Since before the first industrial revolution, the sales professional was tasked with a singular job; to facilitate transactions that moved assets from his company’s balance sheet to the customer’s warehouse, as quickly as possible. And since the reward for this transaction was remuneration – usually in the form of a commission or bonus – the task of successful implementation remained the customer’s problem alone. The sales professional, driven by the need to feed his family, set out in search of the next transaction. Customers accepted this arrangement, for no other reason, then that’s the way it always was. This RAP Talk presents a new paradigm for supply and demand. It challenges our community of solution providers to raise their game while scrutinizing the customer’s resistance to let them. The Industrial Internet of Relationships is about building bridges between supplier and consumer. The best bridges are built from both shores and meet in the middle. Bridges empower us to work toward an aim bigger than ourselves. To progress toward achieving the triple bottom line of economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility.

Designing for Reliability

TRC-2018 RAP Talk 18:52
by Ramesh Gulati, Jacobs

Most of the asset fail during operation, or defects which cause failures, get detected during the operational phase. What and who cause these failures? Is it operations (operators) and/or maintenance? In the past, maintenance and sometimes operations got blamed for these failures. Are they solely responsible? In recent years, we have learned that a majority of asset failures are caused by defects which are introduced during the design, procurement, build/fabrication, and installation, also known as acquisition phase. It is much more economical to correct these defects at early stages to design/build assets for reliable operations. This is what we call Designing for Reliability. This RAP Talk suggests that little more investing during the acquisition phase can reduce failures as well as the total cost of ownership.

Why Big Data and the Digital Transformation Won’t Deliver Reliability

IMC-2017 RAP Talk - 23:44
by Jason Apps, ARMS Reliability

Bad data or poor-quality data costs organizations as much as 10-20% of their revenue. The premise of this RAP Talk from IMC-2017 is that you can have too much data. And too much data doesn’t deliver anything by itself! The focus at the moment is on asset health and performance monitoring. Let’s get back to basics.

Edge, Cloud and Reliability

IMC-2017 RAP Talk - 21:16
by Jagannath Rao, Siemens

In the manufacturing world, one of the most not talked about phenomena is called the "The Hidden Factory." This can be broadly described as work arounds and other activities which result in poor efficiency, waste and reduction in quality. These phenomena go unnoticed most of the time as the data sources are either too disparate or transparency is lacking due to the inability to address the problem. The reason for the existence of a hidden factory is often multifold and can be categorized into three buckets - a) Reliability issue, both in the process and the machinery, b) Inadequate data transparency to get to the root causes and address them and c) supply chain & logistics bottlenecks.

In this modern age of digital transformation, not only is it possible to address these issues, but in fact a steep change in the manufacturing arena can be made. This demands the adoption of technologies like contextualized data integration, machine learning & analytics and IIoT. This talk is about how Edge Computing, IIoT and adoption of scalable cloud technologies can address and minimize the phenomena of the "Hidden Factory."

Using Discipline in the Basics to Solve Today’s Complex Problems

IMC-2017 RAP Talk - 20:41
by Brian Gleason, Des-Case

In this RAP Talk from IMC-2017, Brian Gleason of Des-Case outlines helpful leadership tactics. Wherever you are on your leadership or reliability journey, you didn’t get there overnight, and you won’t get into the next step overnight either. Join Gleason as he talks about leadership, work-life leadership, and how it ties together for him on his own personal journey.

RAP 2: Mobilize Your Data for Connected Workforce

MaximoWorld 2017 Presentation - 12:48 
by Michael Nutt, DataSplice

Today’s workforce demands access to information wherever they are. Today’s efficiency means providing that workforce access to critical data so that decisions can be made, and actions performed, in real time, at the point where work is being done. Viewing information in a way that’s personal and valuable, in a way that allows for intuitive use of that information, and in a way that ensures fast, easy, and reliable management of that information is the foundation of this engaging RAP Talk from Michael Nutt at DataSplice. Join him for a high-level discussion about mobility. 

Why You Need to Understand the Industrial Internet in 5 Simple Reasons

The RELIABILITY Conference RAP TALK - 18:43 
by John Murphy,

In this 18-minute RAP Talk, John Murphy describes why we need to understand the Industrial Internet of Things. The IIoT accelerates transformations in businesses. We are seeing increases in safety concerns, regulation concerns and growth concerns in business and all of these things require automation to help us deal with these requirements. Eventually, everything is going to connect. People say that the IIoT is the next step in the Industrial revolution.

Accelerating Maximo’s IoT Capabilities: What’s Holding You Back?

MaximoWorld 2017 RAP Talk - 21:45
by Ray Miciek, Aquitas Solutions

The pervasiveness of IoT is reaching new heights and never has the momentum been greater than in the asset intensive industries the Maximo community serves. When it comes to IoT, we are not just talking about IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) but touch points in all industries from process and discrete manufacturing to transportation and a multitude of facility operations.
Many of you have already begun the process of implementing an IoT strategy but just as many of you have yet to fully embrace it. The time to accelerate your Maximo’s IoT capabilities is now and take your predictive and prescriptive maintenance capabilities to the next level. This talk will focus on leveraging IoT business value through Maximo and touch upon such areas as: optimizing asset utilization, reaching new heights in collecting and exchanging data, monitoring, managing, and controlling connected devices, and governing your assets to prevent safety and regulatory risk. By talk’s end, you will realize that there is nothing holding you back from accelerating Maximo’s IoT capabilities at your plant or facility.

37 Years of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Experience (A Fantastic Journey)

Through his talk, Mac Smith outlines why it’s been fantastic and what it has meant to the community.

Managing Assets or Asset Management?

The RELIABILITY Conference 2017 RAP Talk - 27:27
by Terrence O'Hanlon, CEO/Publisher, and Uptime Magazine

In this lively RAP Talk from TRC-2017, Terrence O’Hanlon discusses the difference between asset management and managing assets. When you say asset management, do you really mean managing assets? This presentation provides important distinctions and helps to clear up confusion.

The Fundamentals of Reliability Leadership

IMC-2016 RAP Talk - 33:24 
by Terrence O'Hanlon, CEO and Publisher,

In this RAP Talk from IMC-2016, Terrence O’Hanlon talks about shifting the context of your work and doing the best you can do with the circumstances you got handed. What he provides are the building blocks to instead create the outcomes you want regardless of the circumstances. To be a reliability leader is about creating a new future that wasn’t going to happen anyway. Join O’Hanlon as he “jolts you awake” about reliability leadership.

A New Context: The Industrial Internet of Things

IMC-2016 RAP Talk - 20:12 
by John Murphy,

What is the Industrial Internet of Things? In this RAP Talk from IMC-2016, John Murphy breaks the term down by explaining the various pieces of it. According to Murphy, the new context is Industrial Internet of Things is part of asset management. Asset managers must be thinking about that as they make any investment going forward.

Cognitive Solutions - The Future is NOW

IMC-2016 RAP Talk - 18:41
Terry Saunders, IBM

Innovation that involves cognitive computing—that’s what Terry Saunders from IBM covers in this informative RAP Talk from IMC-2016. Saunders talks about what cognitive computing can do today and what it can do for our future. To illustrate his points, IBM’s cognitive system, Watson, is discussed in detail. There are also examples of how it can address concerns in today’s workforce.

What to Learn from a Survey of 300 Maintenance Technicians?

IMC-2016 RAP Talk - 22:59 
by Wim Vancauwenberghe, Belgian Maintenance Association

When you hire a technician, would you like them to find reliability important? Would you like them to fit in the reliability culture in your company? In this RAP Talk, Wim Vancauwenberghe presents the results from his company’s survey of 300 maintenance technicians. With the survey, they discovered a way you can measure reliability culture, and how you can learn about the attitudes and thoughts of your technicians. Along the way, this can help you keep them satisfied. 

Effective Execution

IMC-2016 RAP Talk - 14:53 
by John Fortin, CH2M

What does effective execution look like? In this RAP Talk from IMC-16, John Fortin answers that question in a comprehensive and definitive way. After giving a brief overview on asset management, Fortin covers program development, implementation, challenges, and solutions. Additionally, a case study and additional resources are also discussed.

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