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Reliability Radio EP 304: Tom Woginrich, IBM

Reliability Radio EP 304: Tom Woginrich, IBM

Value realization, use this to prove value to executives.

Reliability Radio EP 303: George Parada, JLL

Reliability Radio EP 303: George Parada, JLL

We have a discussion with George Parada about his personal reliability journey, what his challenges and successes have been.

Reliability Radio EP 302: Ryan Conger, ABB

Reliability Radio EP 302: Ryan Conger, ABB

In this podcast, Ryan Conger from ABB opens our eyes to the vast wealth of hidden data that can utilized from ABB devices in truly groundbreaking ways.

Reliability Radio EP 301: Kendra Mock & Jon Cameron, CRL-Black Belts, JLL

Reliability Radio EP 301: Kendra Mock & Jon Cameron, CRL-Black Belts, JLL

Listen to this podcast where we have a chat with Kendra Mock and Jon Cameron on their reliability journey to becoming CRL black belts to help you chart your own course towards CRL certification and beyond.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Reliability Radio EP 300: Eric Ayanegui, CINTAS

Reliability Radio EP 300: Eric Ayanegui, CINTAS

We have a conversation with Eric Ayanegui from Cintas where we discuss Cintas’s reliability journey well over the course of a decade from being first introduced to reliability to an Uptime Award winning organization.

Reliability Radio EP 299: Sean Gregerson, AVEVA

Reliability Radio EP 299: Sean Gregerson, AVEVA

Sean Gregerson from AVEVA sits down with us in this podcast and takes us through examples of AVEVA’s Industry 4.0 solutions.

Reliability Radio EP 298: Dave Reiber & Matt Boehne, Maximo® VSIG

Reliability Radio EP 298: Dave Reiber & Matt Boehne, Maximo® VSIG

Listen to our discussion with Dave Reiber and Matthew Boehne about this transformational work to enable Maximo users in utilizing the Uptime® Elements.

Reliability Radio EP 297: Paul Morgan & Carey Sealy, JLL Leadership

Reliability Radio EP 297: Paul Morgan & Carey Sealy, JLL Leadership

Listen to this podcast where JLL Work Dynamics’s Global COO Paul Morgan and America COO Carey Sealy discuss their perspective on why they support reliability initiatives.

Reliability Radio EP 296: Jon Mortensen, IFS

Reliability Radio EP 296: Jon Mortensen, IFS

Pop quiz – Can you tell me the difference between them and what they are used for? If not, this podcast can help.

Reliability Radio EP 295: John Fortin, Salem Beverly Water Supply Board

Reliability Radio EP 295: John Fortin, Salem Beverly Water Supply Board

In this podcast, we have a chat with John Fortin about his work at the Salem Beverly Water Supply Board and what earned them a Special Recognition Uptime Award for Best Sustainability Program.

Reliability Radio EP 294: Barney Graham & Mike Judd, John Crane

Reliability Radio EP 294: Barney Graham & Mike Judd, John Crane

Come and listen to our conversation with Barney Graham and Mike Judd from John Crane on their host of reliability and asset management services for their clients.

Reliability Radio EP 293: Jennifer Gatza, CEO at Maven Asset Management

Reliability Radio EP 293: Jennifer Gatza, CEO at Maven Asset Management

We speak with the CEO of Maven, Jennifer Gatza, who walks us through how Maven incorporates the concerns and challenges of Maximo users to deliver best of breed solutions for Maximo implementations.

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