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reliability engineering for maintenance

What Do Pancakes and Your Reliability Efforts Have in Common?

Just because you pour syrup on it don't make it a pancake!

Certain ingredients are required to make a reliability program that is desirable, meaningful and sustainable. The minimum ingredients are:


  1. ...
  2. Ensure that equipment is designed to be reliable.
  3. Create proper metrics to verify performance.
  4. Do the work!

Smart Tools for Failure Analysis

Some plants buy a high-powered microscope in order to do failure analysis. While this sometimes is necessary, it could be good to consider other options to get started. Why not start with a $13


The Truth about Current Measurements

The relationship between electrical current and heat in a circuit is an important concept for thermographers. The more current present in an electrical circuit or apparatus, the higher the level

Definition: Enterprise Integration (EI)

A broad implementation of information technology to link various functional units within a business enterprise. On a wider scale, it may also integrate strategic partners in an enterprise

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Why You Should Have an Electrical Motor Testing Program

Why You Should Have an Electrical Motor Testing Program

This presentation will address why you should have a motor testing program. We will illustrate many common motor failures, both electrical and mechanical. We will show how many common motor failure modes can be detected at an early enough stage where corrective action can be taken prior to process interruption. And finally, that an Electrical Motor Testing program will pay for itself by showing how electrical motor and motor system testing will improve machine reliability and lower operating costs when properly applied.

How Efficient Communications are Damaging Projects

By Russell Harley

This may sound difficult to believe, but it can be true. In the definition of efficient we find the following: "achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense." While this is great for busy executives and companies, it is terrible for projects, especially when it comes to communicating about the project with others.

KISS Your Equipment and Improve Reliability

One of the first rules of good engineering practice is the KISS principle. KISS is an acronym for "Keep it simple, stupid". Basically, this means that most things function best if they are kept


How to Eat the Reliability Elephant…Three Ways to Fail (and One Way to Succeed) (Part 2)

How to Eat the Reliability Elephant…Three Ways to Fail (and One Way to Succeed) (Part 2)

Improving reliability can be daunting, especially if your plant is still in reactive maintenance mode. You need to improve everything from the way equipment is designed and purchased through to the way it is operated. Work practices have to be improved. The maintenance strategy has to change. And then you have to deal with the greatest barrier; culture change. So how do you do it? Where do you start? What works (and what doesn't)? Why do so many programs fail. In this webinar we will present a strategy that will work, and describe common alternative approaches that often fail.

This is the second half of a two-part webinar. While it is essential that you develop the reliability culture, most people also face a challenge trying to implement all of the elements, such as RCM, condition monitoring, planning and scheduling, etc. This video addresses how you can overcome those challenges.

How to Eat the Reliability Elephant…Three Ways to Fail (and One Way to Succeed) (Part 1)

How to Eat the Reliability Elephant…Three Ways to Fail (and One Way to Succeed) (Part 1)

Improving reliability can be daunting, especially if your plant is still in reactive maintenance mode. You need to improve everything from the way equipment is designed and purchased through to the way it is operated. Work practices have to be improved. The maintenance strategy has to change. And then you have to deal with the greatest barrier; culture change. So how do you do it? Where do you start? What works (and what doesn't)? Why do so many programs fail?

In this webinar we will present a strategy that will work, and describe common alternative approaches that often fail.

This is the first of a two-part webinar. This video focuses on how to address the "reliability culture" - how to get everyone in the plant pulling in the same direction

Adjusting Packed Centrifugal Pumps With Open Impellers

Open impellers are frequently used in centrifugal pumps, which pump liquids that contain suspended solid materials (slurries, paper stock, etc.). They do not plug as easily as closed impellers


Visual Oil Analysis – A Front Line Defense

Visual Oil Analysis – A Front Line Defense

Oil Analysis has and continues to be the cornerstone of many successful condition based maintenance programs. However, long before a successful oil analysis program is underway, visual inspections are taking place allowing maintenance technicians to immediately assess machine and lubricant condition. Learn how to create value from your visual inspections by integrating a quality system with your high quality technicians.

On Line Systems: Adding Value to Your Operation

On Line Systems: Adding Value to Your Operation

Typical route Pdm programs can be enhanced with On Line Systems. Dynamic production processes create a lot of variation in a machine's dynamic behavior. Route based measurements on monthly intervals may not be sufficient to ensuring plant equipment reliability. What is your goal for unplanned downtime? Can key performance indicators be improved through the use of On Line Systems?

Definition: Prioritization Matrix

A tool used to choose among several options that have many useful benefits but where not all of them are of equal value. The choices are prioritized according to known weighted criteria and then

Recognized Pump Leaders Iwaki America and Hydraulic Institute Enter Training Partner Agreement

The Hydraulic Institute (HI) has entered a Training Partner Agreement with Iwaki America Incorporated, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of metering pumps, chemical delivery pumps, sealless, recirculation pumps and non-metallic magnetic drive centrifugal pumps and systems, that allows both organizations to leverage high quality, co-branded educational and training programs designed for pump end-users, distributors and engineering consulting firms.

AME Announces Keynote Speakers for Jacksonville Conference

The Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) is pleased to reveal the keynote speakers that will present at the 2014 AME “Excellence Inside” Conference. The conference, taking place Nov. 10-14 in Jacksonville, FL., offers attendees the prospect of discovering new inspiration and direction within their industry, as well as the opportunity to learn directly from world-renown lean leaders and thinkers.

Reliability and Maintainability Management: A Primer

by Fred Schenkelberg

Reliability and maintainability management is the management of failure. By using specific approaches and tools, one can obtain optimized, cost-effective solutions to the design, assembly and use of a product.

Myths of RCM Implementation: PART 2 of 2

by Carlos Mario Perez Jaramillo

Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) focuses on identifying what should be done to assure the functions of a system or asset in a safe, cost-effective and reliable way. RCM analysis is carried out by a group of experts, called the analysis team, for the equipment, asset, or object of the study. It is their responsibility to answer seven questions about the asset being analyzed. In Part 1 of this series, myths 1-10 were discussed. Now we will examine the remaining 12 myths.

Beginner at Project Management? Here Are Some Learnings of 20/20 Hindsight

by Leo Faykes

In August 2012, our maintenance team made the decision to move forward with upgrading the bolt-on computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) program on our Unix-based legacy system to a more advanced product that offers modern asset management functionality, such as builtin key performance indicators (KPIs), a standalone database to reduce integration and data storage issues, and the ability to define assets in a true hierarchy, rather than the flat list of assets stored in the legacy system.

The Quest of the Two Questions: Part II - What Are We Doing to the Equipment?

by Peter Chalich

This is Part 2 of a two-part article. In the February/March 2014 issue, the How Is the Equipment Failing? article answered the question with a discussion on the value and methods of understanding how our equipment is failing. In Part 2, What Are We Doing to the Equipment?, we address the value and methods for understanding the services that we may or may not be providing our equipment.

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