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reliability engineering for maintenance

The Reliability Engineering Toolbox


Failure reporting and corrective action systems (FRACAS) is an organized database for aiding in solving reliability problems using a common sense approach by systematically and permanently removing failure mechanism.

Mean Time

A density figure-of-merit metric often referred to as the average or expected value. In the simplest form it appears as arithmetic S(time)/S(events) or in complicated situations as a statistic metric. It applies to mean life (ML), mean down time (MDT), mean maintenance time (MMT), mean time between failures (MTBF for repairable items), mean time to failures (MTTF for replacement items), mean time between maintenance (MTBM), mean time between maintenance scheduled (MTBMs), mean maintenance time unscheduled (MMTu), mean maintenance time scheduled (MMTs), mean time between overhauls (MTBO), mean time between unscheduled removals(MTBRu), mean time to restore (MTR), mean time between downing events (MTBDE), and so forth. The units will be time/metric, e.g., hours/failure. The reciprocal of the metric provides an incident rate, e.g., failures/hour.

Reliability Block Diagrams

Reliability block diagram (RBD) models are graphical representations of a calculation methodology for reliability systems.

Availability is part of the Reliability Strategy Development toolbox


A tool for measuring the % of time an item or system is in a state of readiness where it is operable and can be committed to use when call upon.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox


A measure of how well the product performance meets objectives. In short how well are the outputs actually accomplished against a standard? Capability is frequently the product of efficiency * utilization.

The Reliability Engineering Toolbox

Reliability Block Diagram Models

Reliability block diagram (RBD) models are graphical representations of a calculation methodology for reliability systems.

The Reliability Engineering Toolbox: Bathtub Curves

Bathtub Curves

The concept is derived from the human life experience involving infant mortality, chance failures, plus a wear out period of life since data for births and deaths is accumulated by government agencies. Most equipment lacks the birth/death recording by government agencies and most non-human systems can be regenerated to live/die many times before relegation to the scrap heap.

The Reliability Engineering Toolbox

Accelerated Testing

A test method of increasing loads to quickly produce age-to-failure data with only a few data points which are then scaled to reflect normal loads.

Reliability Tools

Which Reliability Tool should I use?

Publisher's note: When a person has a hammer - everything looks like a nail. Once a maintenance engineer learns techniques like Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) or Weibull analysis, it seems like they apply the technique to every potential area of failure they can find - whether RCM or Weibull analysis can add value or not. Reliability tools must be used in the proper context to create the best result and the more tools we understand the better we can apply them.

We asked our favorite reliability guru, Mr. H. Paul Barringer to help us understand what reliability tools are available to us as maintenance professionals, when we can and should use them and what results we can expect if we apply them correctly.   - Terrence O'Hanlon, CMRP, Publisher

Run To Failure As A Maintenance Strategy

In the maintenance and reliability world we spend much of our time thinking and planning out ways to better maintain or redesign some equipment to make it last longer or be more reliable.

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Reliability Analysis Definition

The process of identifying maintenance of significant items and classifying them with respect to malfunction on safety, enviornmental, operational, and economic consequences. The possible

Replacement Asset Value (RAV) Definition

The monetary value that would be required to replace the production capability of the present assets in the plant. Includes production or process equipment, as well as utilities, support, and.

Demonstrate a simple example of reliability and you’ll gain a lot of support

Demonstrate a simple example of reliability and you’ll gain a lot of support

Look around you. There are so many opportunities to apply common sense reliability principles and gain many untapped benefits. Watch this 8 minute video showing a simple Maintenance Task Analysis (MTA) example then think about the possibilities in your plant. Interestingly, this example was ‘stumbled' across during an RCM2 / MTA facilitator training session. You will see the value of getting Maintenance and Operations together to apply common sense strategies, in this case saving the company $11,000 annually. It's a great learning tool, too. Just imagine what you could achieve coupling RCM on high risk assets along with MTA, starting with the ‘lowest hanging fruit' in your plant.

Asset Criticality – The Foundation of Best in Class Reliability

Asset Criticality – The Foundation of Best in Class Reliability

A 51 minute recorded web workshop playback on demand by Rod Acklin, Commtest

Starting or even re-engineering a reliability centered operation can be a daunting challenge. Essential to the success of your initiative is a meaningful assessment criticality for your installed asset base.

Join Commtest's Rod Acklin as he explores and guides you through how to assess meaningful asset criticality.

View this web workshop to learn:

1) Why is a meaningful criticality assessment important?

2) The essential elements of criticality

3) Applying resources based on the essential elements of criticality


Corrective Maintenance Definition

Maintenance tasks initiated as a result of the observed or measured condition of an asset or system, before or after functional failure, to correct the problem. Corrective maintenance (CM) can

Optimized Planned Maintenance Strategies Using Availability Workbench SAP Portal

Optimized Planned Maintenance Strategies Using Availability Workbench SAP Portal

Optimized Planned Maintenance Strategies Using Availability Workbench (AWB) SAP Portal
A 55:26 minute iPresentation Tutorial

Establishing A Problem Solving Process In Your Company

Establishing A Problem Solving Process In Your Company

Basic Elements of a Comprehensive Root Cause Analysis Program
Establishing A Problem Solving Process In Your Company
An 11:49 minute iPresentation Tutorial

PM Optimisation Maintenance Analysis of the Future - Part 1

The author, Mr Steve Turner, is a professional engineer who has been extensively trained in RCM1 methods and has deployed them over a 20 year period in various roles as an airworthiness engineer, a maintenance manager, as part of a design team and as a consultant. Over the past five years, Mr Turner has developed a process of PM Optimisation known as PMO2000. This method is currently in use at 12 major industrial sites in Australia and the Asia Pacific Region.

Zeroing in on Optimum Maintenance

What is the "right" maintenance regime for YOUR enterprise?

There is no simple, universal answer. Defining your optimum maintenance practices demands an understanding of the business contribution


What Can We Do Before Things Go Wrong?

Seems like every time a company is faced with the tragic circumstances we have witnessed over the last few weeks with the coal mine explosion in West Virginia that killed 25 workers, and more

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