IMC is set to revolutionize how we think about Asset Management. Happening in Marco Island, Dec 16th - 19th 2024

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reliability engineering for maintenance

Utilizing Advanced Statistical Reliability Methods to Improve Overall Asset Performance

By Mark Latino

Event data analysis can be a very useful in understanding how and when assets fail. It can also provide insight to help plant personnel understand what action to take and when to take it. In other words, it helps in the process of building a strategy for asset performance management.

Root Cause Failure Analysis Web Workshops

Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) has an important place in a complete maintenance program. Root Cause Failure Analysis provides the ability to identify and eliminate preventable root causes of failures.

Where do we end our probe in Root Cause Analysis?

by Rolly Angles, RSA, Laguna Philippines
Frequent contributor at

One of the biggest confusion in an attempt to perform a thorough Root Cause Analysis is understanding how deep should we pursue our analysis or simply stated, where do we stop our investigation in performing a Root Cause Analysis? Going to deep will lead us to the bible, Timothy 6:10, For the love of money is a root of all evil and going to shallow will allow the problem to recur again and again.

RCA Tip - Be Humble To Make RCA Successful

Oftentimes in order to make RCA successful in our organizations we must be humble. What this means is sometimes we may have to let others have credit for our success so that we can get what we


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Consejo Físico de Confiabilidad

El investigador del Análisis de Causa Raíz puede ser más efectivo en la verificación del análisis de las partes que fallaron. si comprende las diferencias materiales. El analista se puede

Cinco condiciones que inducen a la presión de tiempo son: 

  1. Limitaciones de tiempo
  2. Desarrollar multiples tareas
  3. La presión de otros compañeros para trabajar rápidamente
  4. Evadir una situación incomoda
  5. Obtener y guardar algo

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