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human capital management

Reliability-Centered Maintenance Mindset (RCM2) The Cognitive Psychology of Maintenance Development

The Building Blocks of a Maintenance Philosophy

by Michael Rezendes, Raytheon Technical Services Co.

Originally Presented at the Reliability 2.0 Conference 

1. Introduction

The focus of this paper is to familiarize the reader with the concept of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Mindset (RCM2) as a methodology to focus attention on the maintenance developer. The current methodology of RCM in industry today is focused on the Preventive Maintenance (PM) developed for hardware. RCM2 is the methodology applied to the selection and training of the potential maintenance developers. This paper will discuss how a successful preventive maintenance program starts with the maintenance developer.

Internal Consulting in Your Organization

by Stephen Thomas

We live in difficult times. Plant closures, mass layoffs, downsizing and reorganizations appear in the news on a daily basis. These efforts are focused on cost cutting which, in many cases, is designed simply to keep the company in business.


How do you know how to get there if you don’t know where you’re going?

by Nick Kroll, Trico Corp

Too often the momentum of business takes us places we never expected to be. We find ourselves engulfed with obstacles, unsure where they came from. Day to day business activities (tasks) consume our time and we do not take an opportunity to look ahead. Planning is a vital part of business management. Are you running the business or is it running you?

Conversations of Maintenance

Can a conversation make a difference? Well sometimes a conversation can change the direction of your life. My father was a mechanical engineer. He had many interests but he ended up in engineering. He related a conversation he had when he started college in 1935. His first advisor cautioned him against engineering because he said there were no jobs for Jews in the engineering field. My father told him (politely) not to worry about his employment prospects but to just sign his forms so he could take the classes. My father always found employment and spent 50 years as a practicing engineer.

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Start Early & Stick With a Plan - Developing Marketable Engineering Skills

For the foreseeable future, the "job of the future" will exist in a world that wrestles with issues of outsourcing, offshore design and manufacturing, and generally uncertain employment prospects. Among the job seekers, aspiring engineers need to develop effective ways of finding and keeping employment in this murky environment.

Guidance is helpful as you ponder the question of where you should be headed in this sea of instability. Today we live at a time when professed experts expound diametrically opposite views and often have the audacity of serving up their views with an air of infallibility. The answer as to where you should head is multi-faceted, but being balanced and learning a marketable skill instead of going after an ill-defined "education" is certainly a good start.

The ABC’s of Failure – Getting Rid of the Noise in Your System

Don't Just Fix It - Improve It!

For the past 40 years, I have observed many companies; including DuPont (where I spent 27 years) pursuing planned maintenance with the standard tools of planned maintenance: inspections, planning, scheduling, materials procurement, CMMS systems, etc. with the same results.

Human Asset Management Tip - Downsizing & Restructuring

Increasingly, companies are being restructured and downsized to cut costs. This usually means that supervisors are taking on responsibilities in which they have little or no experience.

The most


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