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reliability engineering for maintenance

Analyzing past failures for a more successful future

Analyzing past failures for a more successful future

A 50 minute recorded webinar on demand by Steve Murray, Director, ABB Reliability Services.

Failure analysis requires technical ability, time and an established reliability and maintenance system. While it's a struggle for many plants to complete these both timely and accurately, if done correctly, it can minimize equipment failures and provide a direct solution to equipment performance improvement. In this webinar, we will examine major historical failures and look at requirements, various analysis methods and pitfalls of failure analysis.

Participate to learn:

1) How to recognize common causes of equipment failure

2) Learn how increased reliability leads to higher profitability

3) Understand the basics of Root Cause Failure Analysis and Failure Modes & Effects Analysis to identify and correct causes of failure

What Makes a Good PM

What Makes a Good PM

A 60 minute workshop by Jeff Shiver, Managing Principal, People and Processes, Inc.

In a recent survey of more than 1,300 plant professionals in 40 countries, 62% said they either did not have a preventive maintenance program or are in the process of building one. If you ask Maintenance groups within those same organizations, they would respond that over 90% have a PM program. Why is there a disconnect between the audiences? Do you have a real program? A better question might be "How would my engineering and operations ‘partners' respond to a similar survey?" Can you truly measure and communicate the success your PM program generates to ensure a favorable survey response from those partners? What would happen if you were asked that question in a court of law? Does your CMMS data support "perceptions" or "reality"? Do you know if your data is the result of "pencil-whipping"? Are the PM task activities the "right" work and value-added? How can you tell?

This presentation will address the components of a good PM and methods to ensure the PM activities are executed properly. In addition to the PM components necessary, learn tools and techniques for establishing an effective PM process, adding a continuous improvement loop for optimization, measuring the value of the PM program and inspecting to ensure the right execution. Understand why pencil-whipping occurs and how to break the habit. Gain insights on communicating and managing the perceptions with your operations and engineering partners to eliminate disconnects so that everyone is on board with the value your organization adds.

Participate to learn:

1) PM Content

2) Partnerships required for success

3) Measuring for success

How to prevent RCM from turning into Really Costly Maintenance

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) has received a bit of a bad wrap because of perceived difficulties and high cost associated with it. When problems occur, it's usually because managers did


Definition: Failure Finding Task

A routine maintenance task, normally an inspection or testing task, designed to determine whether an item or component has failed. A Failure finding task should not be confused with an

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A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

A Detailed Rolling Element Bearing Failure Analysis Procedure

The following procedure uses nine basic steps to be followed in looking for the causes of a failed bearing, and within each of the steps are numerous questions to be asked. It starts with an ...

RCM Maintenance Strategies

Smith and Mobley (2008) highlight the following types of asset management strategies that may be developed from an RCM process.

1. Condition based tasks. E.g. Oil is sampled from a

Definition: Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)

The average time needed to restore an asset to its full operational capabilities after a failure. MTTR is a measure of asset maintainability.

Tip excerpted from The Professional's Guide To

Optimize your PM program

Too many Preventive (PM) Maintenance programs contain ambiguous and needless tasks at unnecessary frequencies. What makes this so shocking is that plant facilities send out their craftspeople to


...2. For each functional failure, develop one or more PM or PdM task(s) that are appropriate. These tasks must either prevent or mitigate the consequences of the failure.3. For tasks that do not address known failure modes, consider removing them.4. For each PM task, provide adequate detail by asking multiple - and varied - questions relating to task location, performance and frequency.5. Finally, test the PM tasks the team has developed by having someone not involved in the development perform it. This validation is especially important when the team first starts developing new PMs.

Integrating FRACAS with Maintenance Strategy Development

Integrating FRACAS with Maintenance Strategy Development

iPresentation - 1:10:17
By Steve Turner at OMCS International

Failure Reporting and Corrective Action Systems (FRACAS) are amongst the most valuable yet most poorly managed process in industrial maintenance. With good intent, most organizations have FRACAS systems, however many end up with unfinished or unimplemented analyses only to find the problems repeating again.

Talk the language of your CFO to get your RCM program approved

CFO's are tasked with reducing operations and maintenance costs according to the Aberdeen Group's research. So, analyze and estimate the impact of an RCM program to prevent unplanned downtime,

Failure Analysis Fundamentals

Performing failure analysis on machinery can sometimes seem easy as the fault is staring at you in the frequency domain. But remember, this data has been massaged, averaged, windowed, and


Equipment Protection Meets Problem Detection

In addition to preventing contaminant ingression, disposable desiccant breathers can also serve as early notice of abnormally functioning equipment. Desiccant breathers are widely used in Common ...

Highly Accelerated Stress Screen - HASS

Highly accelerated stress screen (HASS) uses the same stresses as HALT, but at a lower stress level. Compared to HALT testing, temperature and voltage extremes may be reduced by 10-15%, vibration levels reduced 50%, etc. depending upon the design although all the stresses may be above rated product specifications with the motivation to produce test results quickly for verifying product compliance.

The Reliability Engineering Toolbox

Weibull Database

The smartest way to maintain a reliability database is in Weibull format and Weibull databases are available.


Lognormal distributions are continuous life functions that have long tails to the right (display positive skewness) in time or usage. A lognormal distribution plotted on semi-log papers would appear as a normal curve.

The Reliability Engineering Toolbox

Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)

Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a manufacturing index to reduce complexity of discrete systems for problem solving and benchmarking.

Reliability-Centered Maintenance

Reliability-Centered maintenance (RCM) is a systematic planning process used to determine the maintenance requirements for a system. RCM expects the system has an inherent reliability and maintenance requirements are imposed upon the baseline of inherent safety and inherent reliability which can be no better than the worst than designed into the system.

The Reliability Engineering Toolbox


Reliability is the probability that a device, system, or process will perform its prescribed duty without failure for a given time when operated correctly in a specified environment.


The International Electrical Congress (IEC) defines dependability as "Dependability describes the availability performance and its influencing factors: reliability performance, maintainability performance and maintenance support performance." MIL-HDBK-338 defines dependability differently as a measure of the degree to which an item is operable and capable of performing its required function at any (random) time during a specified mission profile, given that the item is available at mission start. (Item state during a mission includes the combined effects of the mission-related system R&M parameters but excludes non-mission time; see availability.) Dependability is related to reliability with the intention that dependability would be a more general concept than the measurable issues of reliability, maintainability, and maintenance.

The Reliability Engineering Toolbox

Failure Forecast

Failure forecasting is a projection of failures into the future based on assumed or documented failure details

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