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work execution management

Effective Execution

Effective Execution

IMC-2016 RAP Talk - 14:53 
by John Fortin, CH2M

What does effective execution look like? In this RAP Talk from IMC-16, John Fortin answers that question in a comprehensive and definitive way. After giving a brief overview on asset management, Fortin covers program development, implementation, challenges, and solutions. Additionally, a case study and additional resources are also discussed.

Fundamental CMMS Data Considerations – Enabling Planning & Scheduling

‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’

Is one of your EAM goals to better Plan & Schedule work? That is common, as are these fundamental questions: Do we have


Do We Really Want to Be Proactive? (Part 2)

Do We Really Want to Be Proactive? (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this article, we talked of how good managers must always try to keep their organizations energized, moving forward and upward. To do this, they must find ways to constantly disrupt complacent, status quo thinking and behavior.

12 Seconds To Reliability: How Pit Crews Enable Winning Race Teams

12 Seconds To Reliability: How Pit Crews Enable Winning Race Teams

IMC-2016 Keynote - 47:07 
by Breon Klopp, Sestrana

Millions of dollars are at stake each week. Man and machine are regularly pushed to the point of failure. Years of preparation culminate in a few short seconds of performance with the success or failure of an entire organization weighing in the balance. The objective is singular; WIN.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Active Supervision: Priest, Professor, or Prison Guard?

Active Supervision: Priest, Professor, or Prison Guard?

IMC-2016 RAP Talk - 20:54
by Joel Levitt,

Effective supervision increases productivity 15% with improvements in morale. The supervisor's job is multifaceted. You have to become the right person (priest, prison guard, life guard) at the right time for the right person. All of your change management goes away if the supervisor is not on board with the change. This short talk highlights some of the problems and opportunities from that role.

 February - March 2017

February - March 2017

Click to read all articles from this issue. You can also download the full PDF.

The Changing Face of Asset Data Capture

In less than 10 years, the consumer digital camera essentially completely replaced film cameras, which had been in the market for over 100 years. In an even shorter period of time, the smartphone has, in turn, sent the consumer digital camera the way of its film based cousin.

Operator Driven Reliability and Ultrasonic Inspection

Operator Driven Reliability and Ultrasonic Inspection

Operator driven reliability (ODR) is a process that involves operators in the maintenance and reliability of their equipment. ODR selects tasks previously performed by maintenance technicians and reassigns these tasks to operators. However, ODR is only effective when operators are focused on specific tasks. Operators must be properly trained and coached in the performance of each task.

Utilizing Your CMMS to Drive PdM Activities

GenesisSolutions had an opportunity to lead a presentation at a recent Infrared Thermography Conference to discuss and demonstrate the steps necessary to set up a Computerized Maintenance ...

 Cohesive Earns Title of #1 Reseller of IBM Maximo for 3rd Time

Cohesive Earns Title of #1 Reseller of IBM Maximo for 3rd Time

Cohesive Solutions, a leading Enterprise Asset Management consultant and systems integrator, has been recognized as the #1 U.S. commercial reseller of IBM Maximo Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) software for 2016.

Breakdowns Caused by Poor PMs

This indicator examines the root causes of breakdowns and then investigates whether the root cause should have been detected as part of the preventive maintenance program. This provides an


A Glimpse at the Future

Editor’s note: From 1996 to 2000, the author had the privilege of doing a greenfield construction and start-up of a chemical plant in Asia. Part of the land was still being reclaimed from the ocean when he arrived. This article describes how he and the work team developed work processes to do things in the way they had always wanted to do them.

The 10% Rule of Preventive Maintenance

Many organizations use the PM compliance metric as a measurement of their maintenance department’s performance. This metric is often viewed by professionals as a joke because if your PM

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Where CMMS Fits Into Your Reliability Journey

Where CMMS Fits Into Your Reliability Journey”, an eMaint Best Practices Webinar hosted by Joel Levitt of ReliabilityWeb, discussed reliability functions that are only possible with accurate, complete and defect-free CMMS data. During the presentation, Levitt asserted that “CMMS is the hub that holds the spokes of your wheel, or reliability effort. Everything revolves around it.”

 Kevin Clark Joins Fluke and eMaint as Director of Global Service and Alliances

Kevin Clark Joins Fluke and eMaint as Director of Global Service and Alliances

Fluke Corporation, the world leader in compact, professional electronic test tools and software for measuring and condition monitoring, has hired Kevin Clark as Director of Global Service and Alliances to drive business growth as they continue to expand their suite of solutions.

Do We Really Want to Be Proactive? (Part1)

Do We Really Want to Be Proactive? (Part1)

As we struggle to move from reactive to proactive maintenance, maybe at some point we just need to stop and ask ourselves the basic question:

"Do we really want to be proactive in maintenance? Really? Honestly?"


REACTIVE MAINTENANCE is dealing with loss issues due to equipment malfunction that show up unexpectedly and repairs have to be done immediately, on a crisis basis, in a very inefficient, unplanned, unscheduled way.

PROACTIVE MAINTENANCE is monitoring equipment for signs of deterioration and performing the necessary repairs and adjustments, when needed, in an efficient, planned, scheduled way, before a loss issue actually happens.

Who wouldn’t want to operate in the Proactive Mode?

Using Digital Technology to Revolutionize Turnarounds

Using Digital Technology to Revolutionize Turnarounds

When industrial companies have to take facilities off-line for essential maintenance or upgrades, careful management of the process is key. These turnarounds, or TARs, can be complex and require meticulous planning and solid execution because delays only mean more lost production and higher costs.

Reliability and the MRO Supply Chain: 4 Essential Tools

Many companies continue to struggle with the maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) issue by ignoring or at least tolerating the existence of the MRO storeroom and the necessary operations around it. Few companies work to improve the MRO function in the supply chain and some do not even consider MRO storeroom management as part of plant operations at all. Others are striving to strike a balance in managing MRO.

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