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work execution management

Material Planning Improves Maintenance Efficiency

One of the biggest contributors to maintenance efficiency and effective use of craft time is getting the correct parts and materials to the work site at the same time as the craft person. In

Take Care of Those Parts!

When it comes to inventory availability, it's important to have the right parts in like-new condition to best support maintenance operations. The standard used by many is the same method that the


Work Order Priority Checklist

Work order priorities are commonly misused. In order have a fighting chance, compare your priority criteria to the following elements:

1. Simple and concise
2. Documents expected timeframe to completion
3. Considers all consequences:quality, cost, safety,throughput & environmental
4. Takes likelihood into account
5. Formerly documented
6. Clearly communicated
7. Talked about often (part of our common language)

If your criteria does not match up to

Active Communication of the Work Schedule

Many people think that the printing of the work schedule and displaying it in the work area is an effective communication method (this is not entirely true). It is better to put away the scotch

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What’s your dominant strategy?

For many organizations, it is run-to-failure (RTF) although they don't recognize it as such.  While some groups have no real proactive maintenance practices, others have invested in and continue


Kitting best practices in the support of maintenance

Kitting best practices in the support of maintenance

An 45-minute long Webinar On Demand Led by Daniel DeWald, CPIM, CPMM SME Materials Management Professional Consultant, GP Allied

Discussed are Kitting best practices in the support of maintenance. There are four stages of Kitting -Pre-Kitting, Filling the Kit, Completion of the Kit, and Delivery. Each stage is unique when it is applied as a support to maintenance. Kitting is a coordinated effort between the planner, the storeroom, and maintenance.

Benefits that are expected when Kitting is fully implemented are-(1) Eliminates the craftsman searching for parts; (2) Improved communication between the planner, storeroom, and the craftsman; and (3) Deliveries to the job site decreases equipment downtime, and improves craftsman's productivity.

Participate to learn:

1) Kits require a secure area to stage and pick parts

2) Kits are to have all the parts filled before it is delivered.

3) Kits are delivered to the job site

Fleet Maintenance Scheduling Tips

The first items scheduled are the units still in bays. Use substantial effort to solve whatever problem is keeping them from being finished. You can put a unit back on the street unfinished if ...

Definition: Unplanned Maintenance

Maintenance performed without planning which could be related to a breakdown, repair, or corrective work. Unplanned maintenance may be scheduled during the normal work cycle.

Tip excerpted from: The Professional's

Maintenance Planning and Scheduling: Fill-in work

Fill-in work is work that is very simple, can be started, stopped, and re-started with little loss in effectiveness, doesn't involve other crafts and has minimal or no impact to the ...

Validating Your Maintenance Program

Validate your maintenance strategy and process to drive improvements in your program and maximize the benefit of your CMMS or Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) implementation. As a ...


Those of us in the business of supporting maintenance with spare parts have an obligation to maintain accurate inventory balances in our storerooms. We do this because an accurate inventory is


One Simple Idea with Great Results – No Cost!

Everyone looks for the silver bullet or simple solution to their maintenance problems. How about this simple idea: Take your current maintenance process and ensure it is followed to the letter - ...

How Effective is Your Asset Maintenance Program?

"I'm doing all my PMs but my equipment continues to fail, OEE is below acceptable levels and the Maintenance Department continues to fight fire. What's wrong?"

If this sounds familiar, you're not

... Paul Langan, Project Manager: +1 843.744.7110

SAP - The Full Functional Location Set-Up

Often, when moving to SAP, many organizations do not take advantages of the full Functional Location set-up. Remember, SAP is a powerful tool and we need to take advantage on the front end to

...Level 2: Three (3) Character field for Plant on the site. A Business Unit can have multiple Plants in one Plant Site. Example: BU 1 has Plant A, Plant B, and Plant C. Example, for multiple plants on a site use 001, 002, 003. For our plant we will use 001Level 3: Two (2) Character field for Unit. Many plants can have multiple units. Use this field to identify the specific unit. For our purpose we will use monomer as our unit (MO)Level 4: Two (2) Character field for Process Step or Department. Our example is distillation (DS)Level 5: Twelve (12) Character field for Position, Instrument indicator or other miscellaneous data. Use of all twelve characters is not mandatory. Any additional information involved should be defined through the use of additional characters "-" within the defined field. For our purposes we will use pump P2334 (P2334).

Definition:Visual Workplace

The use of visual display to relay information to employees and guide their actions. The workplace is usually set up with signs, labels, color-coded marking etc..., so that anyone unfamiliar ...

V-Belt Maintenance “TOOL BOX TRAINING”

Reference: Belt Drive Preventive Maintenance Manual by Gates Corporation.

V-Belt Maintenance is a requirement if you want to insure optimum belt drive performance. This process requires proper maintenance and discipline in order to insure effective belt operation and a long service life. When coupled with a regularly scheduled maintenance program, belt drives will run relatively trouble-free for a long time.

General Rules: (if you want to stop V-Belt failures)

1. Insure proper alignment of sheaves both parallel and angular using a sheave laser alignment tool. Do not use a


Definition: Pareto Principle

A principle that the critical few, about 20% of items such as assets, failures, parts etc., should receive attention before the insignificant many, usually about 80%. This principle is named

SAP Notifications and Maintenance Orders: Track those Maintenance Costs

A Notification is usually written to record an equipment malfunction: Asset ID, dates, duration, damage, causes of damage, actions performed can be entered to a Notification. The Notification ...

Definition: Maintenance History

A chronological list of all maintenance performed on an asset. Synonymous with equipment repair history and maintenance record.

Tip excerpted from: The Professional's Guide To Maintenance And

Effective Cycle Counting

Effective Cycle Counting

An 9-minute iPresentation by Daniel DeWald, CPIM, GP Allied

Discussion involves the differences between a physical inventory once a year and a daily cycle count. A daily cycle count is preferred because it provides a continual measurement of inventory accuracy that is visible to both management and storeroom associates. Storeroom preparation to make cycle counting effective is essential and the steps are discussed to make this happen. Also scheduling counters and assigning tasks create responsibility and achieve more accurate inventories.

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