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defect elimination

Hendrix Precision Maintenance

Hendrix Precision Maintenance

Hendrix Precision Maintenance, Hands-On Training will equip your maintenance team with the vital skills and implementation strategies needed to achieve and sustain reliable results. The plain truth is, our craftsmen, entrusted to maintain a multi-million-dollar fleet of machinery, have never been taught the precision maintenance skills necessary to

Do it Once - Do it Right.”

Creating a Shadow Network for Effective Defect Elimination

Creating a Shadow Network for Effective Defect Elimination

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 45:04
by George Mahoney, Merck.

This presentation explains how to create and tap into a cross-functional “shadow network” of people inside your organization who share a passion for making things better today than they were yesterday.

Hindsight - Taking Notice of the Telltale Signs

Hindsight - Taking Notice of the Telltale Signs

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 31:59
by Timothy Rice, Rio Tinto

Hindsight is the ability to understand an event or situation only after it has happened. How many times have you witnessed a catastrophic equipment failure and realized during the root cause analysis investigation that the little indicators you were seeing were the telltale signs that a catastrophic failure was about to occur?

Some significant equipment failure events which occurred recently showed just how much we need to take more notice of these “telltale” signs and prompted some questions. Have we become desensitized in our ability to recognize the telltale signs of failing equipment and are we accepting them as the new normal? How do we remove the complacency around these leading indicators?

To regain control we must introduce some chronic unease around the health of our assets and what we are accepting as a normalization of deviance.

Inherent Defect Elimination

Uptime Elements Defect Elimination

While predictive and preventive maintenance activities are useful in preventing failures, they do not permanently eliminate the defects inherent in an asset that allow the deterioration


A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
How Nova Scotia Power Implemented Its AM Program: Equipment Integrity Through PdM and RBI

How Nova Scotia Power Implemented Its AM Program: Equipment Integrity Through PdM and RBI

Aging assets, changing utilization, demographics and regulatory changes precipitated the need for an innovative and comprehensive asset management (AM) program at Nova Scotia Power Inc. (NSPI). Building on the elements of PAS55 and ISO55000, NSPI constructed a program for its power production business. The universal challenges of an aging infrastructure and workforce, along with industry specific and regulatory changes, demanded a shift in the company’s organizational philosophy toward asset management. Many of the company’s generating equipment assets are 30 to 40 years of age and had reached a point where new strategies were required. Among those strategies is the implementation of condition-based monitoring (CBM) techniques.

Normalization of Deviance and the Perception of Defects

Normalization of Deviance and the Perception of Defects

Ever walk into a room, look around and conclude that all is well. But then, someone picks up papers, a briefcase, or some other object from the floor, right where you were about to walk. You hadn’t seen it. Your vision is fine, so how could you have missed it? It makes you wonder how many other little things you missed in other places, too.

Defect Elimination From a CMMS Perspective

Defect Elimination From a CMMS Perspective

Defect elimination may be the most significant initiative within a maintenance reliability program. It may also provide the largest return on investment in terms of asset reliability and plant uptime. From a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) perspective, defect elimination can be used to focus on recurring failures and significant events, and also to address potential failures.

How to Extend Bearing Life

How to Extend Bearing Life

“The reliability of rotating equipment is almost inevitably linked directly to bearing life, and it is estimated bearing failure is responsible for almost 21 percent of these equipment failures.”
– Heinz P. Bloch, P.E., 2011

Discover Defect Elimination Through Effective Reliability Leadership

Discover Defect Elimination Through Effective Reliability Leadership

Focused Forum from IMC-2015 - 28:47
by Jeff Shiver, People & Processes

Thinking back over your career, you have probably lived through (and survived) many initiatives that ultimately required some level of culture transformation. Surely you recognize the tools; reliability centered maintenance, root cause analysis, total production manufacturing, lean, six sigma and theory of constraints, and so on. Often times, these initiatives were poorly funded and resourced. Add to that the competing objectives with cost cutting and downsizing, not to mention multiple objectives at the same time. It’s not unlike management throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks. Reality is that most doesn’t. So it’s not surprising that 70-75% of initiatives fail to yield the anticipated results. I’ve been there and done that too.

If we consider our goals, they are somewhat straightforward. Engage the people, meet the customer requirements, and generate profits for the business. To do that, we need reliability in all things; the people, the equipment, and the processes. But reliability does not come from fixing things faster or planning the work as examples. The reliability we seek comes from defect elimination in all those things; the people, equipment, and processes. If we consider these defects, the majority are random and driven by behaviors. Behaviors translate to culture. Culture beats strategy hands down. The challenge becomes not changing but transforming the culture, transforming the behaviors. People buy-in to change when they help create it. So, rather than a top down “thou shalt” strategy, we have to provide a compass for change. Creating that compass and engagement requires leadership, Reliability Leadership.

Get the Bugs Out With the Uptime Elements

Get the Bugs Out With the Uptime Elements

Pop Quiz...

In the next 10 seconds, close your eyes and recite your maintenance department’s mission statement. Ready ... 3-2-1 ...


Probably 99 percent of you sat in complete and utter silence during those 10 seconds. But before you go off feeling guilty about being a subpar employee, you should really think about just what makes your mission statement so unmemorable. If one had to guess, more than likely it is too long and filled with vague buzzwords that make absolutely zero impact in how you approach your work.

At this point, you are probably thinking, “Okay, tell me what is the perfect mission statement for a maintenance department.” Well, since you asked nicely, here it is ...

Uptime Elements Defect Elimination

Defect Elimination - Removing the alligators

It’s difficult to remember the goal is to drain the swamp when you're up to your armpits in alligators.  Maintenance is like that - sometimes you have to remove the cause of repeat failures


Tip ...

Classification of Defects

The listing of possible defects of a unit, classified according to their seriousness.

Commonly used classifications:

  • Class A, B, C, D
  • Critical, Major, Minor, Incidental
  • Critical, Major,

What You Need to Know When Upgrading Power Transformers

If your transformers are 10-15 years old, now is the time to take proactive steps to save utility costs and prevent power outages.

Combustible Gas Leak Detector Ideal for Finding Leaks in Industrial Systems

Now maintenance technicians have a safe, effective way to detect gas leaks in industrial systems ─ the Spectroline® PRO-Chek CGTM Combustible Gas Leak Detector (P/N CG-1000).

Mettler-Toledo to Advise on Dealing with Static and Drafts in Upcoming Webinar

Improve weighing accuracy by recognizing common external influences. Join Pharmaceutical Technology and Mettler Toledo for the upcoming webinar, “Worry Free Weighing: Dealing with static and drafts.”

New Fluke 1000FLT Fluorescent Light Tester Performs All Essential Lamp Tests in Less Than 30 Seconds

Tester cuts labor costs for managers and saves time for technicians by eliminating trial and error during lighting maintenance

Violet Light LED Leak Detection Flashlight Makes All Industrial Fluid Leaks Glow Brightly!

Spectronics Corporation’s OPTIMAX 400 is an economical, violet light LED leak detection flashlight. It emits less visible light so industrial fluid leaks are easier to spot, saving technicians valuable diagnostic time and effort!

Chamber Controller Alarm Implementation

Consider adding an additional alarm lamp and buzzer to trigger the chamber in the event of a temperature spike from either a heater or LN2 issue. In the early days when the chamber was running

3rd Edition of “Tuning of Industrial Control Systems” Simplifies Tuning Modern Control S

The International Society of Automation (ISA) announces that the newly released third edition of its Tuning of Industrial Control Systems book simplifies modern control system tuning by eliminating mathematical complexity and addressing the real-world needs of control system technicians.

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