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How to Implement and Use IoT on Machines at a Reasonable Cost!

How to Implement and Use IoT on Machines at a Reasonable Cost!

In this session, Leprino Foods will share how they were able to get started with IoT with 3 use cases that demonstrated the low cost, fast ROI that could lead to potential savings over $1M. Presenters will explain the details of the sensors and tools used and how the results were directly linked to their CMMS (MAXIMO). 

Going Digital

Going Digital

Just when you thought you knew what “APM” stood for, there’s a new “M” in town: Modeling! 

Asset Performance Management in the Digital Enterprise

Asset Performance Management in the Digital Enterprise

IMC-2017 Focused Forum - 39:45
by Paula Hollywood, ARC Advisory Group

A digital enterprise relies on technology to bring about organizational change and drive efficiency and productivity to achieve competitive advantage. Digital technology drives how the enterprise operates, produces value, and generates revenue as well as make it more agile and responsive. One such technology, advanced analytics, enable industrial organizations to implement new, more effective maintenance strategies and improve on-time shipments, increase revenue, improve customer satisfaction, and ensure product quality. The digital enterprise is an opportunity to leapfrog to newer technology, but the challenge is to get the various platforms and applications to be interoperable because in the end, success is dependent upon execution.

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Smart Infrastructure Asset Management

Smart Infrastructure Asset Management

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 41:20
by Michael Salvato, Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Productivity in infrastructure management is lower than it was 20 years ago. Infrastructure providers have not benefited from modern approaches to management and information technologies available for complex engineering systems and enterprises. Asset management systems, as defined by ISO 55000, outline the management requirements and capabilities necessary for smart Infrastructure, integrated supply chain management, more sustainable and resilient built environment, and better steward of our natural heritage. Smart infrastructure, resulting from the convergence of digital technologies with physical infrastructure, requires a radical paradigm shift in how critical infrastructure systems are managed to support lifecycle optimization and decision making to realize the value for money of continuously improving outcomes.

Going Digital with Operationeering and Servitization

Going Digital with Operationeering and Servitization

IMC-2017 RAP Talk - 22:05
by Chris Barron, Bentley

Historian and Professor, Yuval Noah Harar once wrote (Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow) "In ancient times having power meant having access to data. Today having power means knowing what to ignore.”

The industrial internet of things (IIoT) represents a huge opportunity in the availability and quality of data from connected devices, but a huge challenge for operators and maintainers in dealing with the deluge of information. Most organizations simply aren’t ready, and either don’t have the systems in place to do it or the people or skills associated.

We believe the answer lies in greater Servitization. This is not a new idea – Rolls Royce aero engines is the flagship example, from selling turbines to selling thrust-as-a-service – but it’s not easy for many companies to translate this to their business. In essence ‘Servitization’ is a digital transformation journey, involving firms developing the capabilities they need to provide and receive services and solutions that supplement their traditional approaches.

Gartner describes the trend towards increasing collaboration between owners, operators, service providers and OEMs. It is no coincidence then that this has been the year of Alliances for Bentley – with announcements with Microsoft, Siemens, TopCon and BV.

Through its AssetWise platform, Bentley is facilitating and enabling greater Servitization – converging and connecting data essential to understanding asset performance, embedding vendor knowledge and expertise, visualizing and putting data in context to enable better decisions. And in areas such as process manufacturing, energy management and power generation, OEMs are embedding their expertise and knowhow, providing a data-efficient expert system approach to compliment data-intensive diagnostic approaches.

This is freeing up organizations to focus on what’s most important to them, and giving them the power to ignore more!

A New Context: The Industrial Internet of Things

A New Context: The Industrial Internet of Things

IMC-2016 RAP Talk - 20:12 
by John Murphy,

What is the Industrial Internet of Things? In this RAP Talk from IMC-2016, John Murphy breaks the term down by explaining the various pieces of it. According to Murphy, the new context is Industrial Internet of Things is part of asset management. Asset managers must be thinking about that as they make any investment going forward.

Solutions 2.0 2015 - Winning with the Industrial Internet of Things

Solutions 2.0 2015 - Winning with the Industrial Internet of Things

Solutions 2.0 2015 Keynote - 51:50
By Kreg Schmidt, Managing Director, Connected Operations, The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Accenture Digital

Online Condition Monitoring

Online Condition Monitoring

A forty minute long presentation by Robert Dent, CMRP, Commtest

Online Condition Monitoring can provide reliable and repeatable information on assets where an increased frequency of data collection is required due to its criticality or its potential failure rate. Online Condition Monitoring can also provide access to data from areas that are deemed unsafe or hazardous to collect information by portable methods.

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