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Regenerative Reliability Leadership

Regenerative Reliability Leadership

Terrence O'Hanlon invites you to stand in the question and be open to a new mental model.

SDIPF Reliability Curve

SDIPF Reliability Curve

The SDIPF Curve is a visualization that attempts to graphically "bend time" to the benefit of investing in and applying reliability efforts by showing a lifetime snapshot of the asset over time.

Welcome to IMC

Welcome to IMC

IMC brings you the world's best run companies for the best conference yet. IMC is a TEAM EVENT, we invite you to bring your Directors, managers, decision makers, and colleagues. With your team there the event will have a higher impact on your organization moving forward.

0-75 MPH: Fast-Tracking a Solid Foundation for the Journey to World Class

0-75 MPH: Fast-Tracking a Solid Foundation for the Journey to World Class

Salem and Beverly Water Supply Board embarked on a mission to set baseline tactics that would set the foundation to aid in reaching their world-class vision: “Be a world-class water utility driven by teamwork and operational excellence.”

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
The Revamped Reliability Journey at 3M

The Revamped Reliability Journey at 3M

Sustainability is at the core of what we do at 3M. We are committed to improving our business, our planet and every life.

Reliability Radio EP 266: Michael Parker

Reliability Radio EP 266: Michael Parker

Michael Parker, author, discusses the ways to adopt uplifting and positive leadership skills.

Reliability Radio EP 265: Michelle Reines

Reliability Radio EP 265: Michelle Reines

Michelle Reines, author of From Bad to Badass Leader, will discuss an approachable, playful yet serious and relatable way to approach leadership.

Why Is Positive Influence (PI) Leadership So Important?

Why Is Positive Influence (PI) Leadership So Important?

In this session, we discuss the characteristics and behavioral traits of leaders who are a positive influence on the people they work within an organization.

Reliability Radio EP 262: John Holmes and Marty Osborn

Reliability Radio EP 262: John Holmes and Marty Osborn

What is the psychology behind successful change management and how can this make the difference in a project's success?

A Glimpse into the Future for Enterprise Asset Management and Asset Performance Management

A Glimpse into the Future for Enterprise Asset Management and Asset Performance Management

Terrence O'Hanlon and Kevin Price have an unscripted conversation. Take a look at what has been done and what is possible.

Don't Let Your Assets Manage You: A Global Design for Reliability Story

Don't Let Your Assets Manage You: A Global Design for Reliability Story

Physical assets (equipment, systems, etc.) continue to challenge our sites from executing flawlessly and from achieving maximum asset performance/potential.

Beyond Performance 2.0

Beyond Performance 2.0

The pace and complexity of change is greater today than it has ever been and remains critical to manage the organizational change with the same rigor as technical change.

Right 4 Build and Fabricate for Reliability: The 10 Rights of Asset Management

Right 4 Build and Fabricate for Reliability: The 10 Rights of Asset Management

Bathtub curve, Infant mortality - major reasons for high infant mortality of assets is poor work practices and use of defective parts at the start.
Author of the 10 Rights of Asset Management Ramesh Gulati speaks on the 4th Right and why it is important. 3:46 Minutes

Right 1 Specify for Reliability [SfR]: The 10 Rights of Asset Management

Right 1 Specify for Reliability [SfR]: The 10 Rights of Asset Management

"This is not what I wanted." Right 1 is critical. 8:45 Minutes. What are the 10 Rights of Asset Management? Ramesh Gulati presents the first Right, Specify.

Designing for Reliability in Capital Projects and Supporting Operational Excellence

Designing for Reliability

An Introduction to a Common Sense Strategy

This presentation will provide a framework for mapping operational excellence into the capital projects process and designing for reliability, reviewing operational excellence principles with a view on how to integrate those principles in the design and capital projects process, providing for reliability and availability, ease of operation and ease of maintenance.

IMC Features the World’s Best-Run Companies

IMC Features the World’s Best-Run Companies

The world’s best-run companies take a stand. Each person and organization choose an aim or a reason to exist. This aim, or stand, defines who they are. Whatever that stand may be, it is powerful.

What to Do When Machines Do Everything

What to Do When Machines Do Everything

Artificial intelligence has left the laboratory (and the movie lot) and is in your building. It’s in your home. It’s in your office. From Alexa to Nest to Siri to Uber to Waze, we are surrounded by smart machines running on incredibly powerful and self-learning software platforms.

What Tool? When? A Management Guide

What Tool? When? A Management Guide

Ron Moore will be providing a recommended hierarchy for the most common improvement tools, including the prerequisites for assuring the tools are successful, i.e., leadership, alignment, teamwork, and culture.

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