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operator driven reliability

Best Practices Implementing Operator Driven Reliability Programs, PT 2

Best Practices Implementing Operator Driven Reliability Programs, PT 2

An hour long presentation by Dave Staples, Business Development Manager, SKF

Operators are rapidly accepting active rolls in preventive and predictive maintenance. This process, called Operator Driven Reliability (ODR,) is best enabled by implementing technology to automate task management, quality, and tracking in each operator's hands.

Best Practices Implementing Operator Driven Reliability Programs, PT 1

Best Practices Implementing Operator Driven Reliability Programs, PT 1

A one hour long Webinar on Demand by Dave Staples, Business Development Manager, Operator Driven Reliability,  SKF

Reliable Manufacturing Announces March Operations Excellence Master Class

Change management consultancy firm, Reliable Manufacturing, has announced details of its next Operations Excellence Master Class with industry experts Ron Moore and Andrew Fraser. The one-day event will be held at the Holiday Inn, Haydock, near Manchester Airport, on Thursday March 31st 2011.

Practical Operator Care Process Implementation

Practical Operator Care Process Implementation

An hour long Webinar Tutorial On Demand Led by Mike Gehloff - Strategic Account Director - GPAllied

This workshop will introduce the typical elements of an operator care program, but more importantly, present tangible ideas and tips that will be helpful for those attempting to implement such a process.

Concepts such as up front developing ownership and engagement, messaging, and overcoming obstacles will be presented alongside tactical issues such as qualitative inspections, visual management, and abnormality identification.

The participants in this session will be left with more than just good ideas, but also a set of tools that can be used to aid in their own process implementation efforts.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

Definition:Visual Workplace

The use of visual display to relay information to employees and guide their actions. The workplace is usually set up with signs, labels, color-coded marking etc..., so that anyone unfamiliar ...

Operator Care – 4 Elements to Enhanced Operator Inspections

Operator Care is a simple process that engages all of the personnel working within the organization towards a common goal of increased throughput and decreased equipment delays.

It is simple in that it engages all of the ears, eyes, and noses in the early identification of equipment abnormalities (rather than the subsequent failures) and provides a simple means to report and track the repairs to be performed.

Elements ...

Autonomous Maintenance Definition

A maintenance strategy wherein machine adjustments and minor maintenance is performed by operators who are deemed to have unique knowledge about the equipment. It is a principal pillar of Total

Definition: Five S

A structured program to reduce waste and optimize productivity utilizing five terms beginning with "S" to create a workplace suited for visual control and lean operations:

The Five S' are:

1. Sort (Seiri) - to separate needed tools, parts, and the instructions from unneeded materials and to remove the latter.
2. (Seiton) - to neatly arrange and identify parts and tools for ease of use.3. (Seiso) - to conduct a cleanup campaign.4. (Seiketsu) - to conduct Seiri, Seiton and Seiso at daily intervals to maintain a workplace in perfect condition.5. (Shitsuke) - to form the habit of always following the first four S'.


Discovering “Abnormalities” During the Cleaning - Sanitation Process

One of the Pillars of TPM is the Elimination of Minor Stoppages. These are the annoying "glitches" or "hiccups" in the routine operation of the equipment. Experienced equipment operators know how

Operational Involvement

The operations or production departments must take enough ownership of their equipment that they are willing to support the maintenance department's efforts. Operational involvement, which varies


V-Belt Maintenance “Gang Box Training”

V-Belt Maintenance is a requirement if you want to insure optimum belt drive performance. This process requires proper maintenance and discipline in order to insure effective belt operation and a long service life. When coupled with a regularly scheduled maintenance program, belt drives will run relatively trouble-free for a long time.

General Rules: (if you want to stop V-Belt failures)

1. Insure proper alignment of sheaves both parallel and angular using a sheave laser alignment tool. Do not use a straight edge or string if one expects optimal


Certification Program in Total Productive Maintenance Launched by Productivity Inc. & Fisher Col

Middle- and top-level executives can now obtain certification in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) through a new program being launched by Productivity, Inc., and the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University.

Essential Asset Monitoring

Portable instruments have evolved through several iterations to encompass as much data collection, analytical, and correction tools as possible in a single, convenient, and light-weight package.


Operator Inspection / Asset Basic Care Training presented by DMSI and IDCON

Together, Design Maintenance Systems Inc. and IDCON, Inc. are holding a three day intensive course to learn about and setup an Operator Inspection and Asset Basic Care program. Spend the first day with IDCON learning critical equipment failure detection and prevention strategies from a maintenance and operations perspective.  Then on the following two days, get hands-on training in setting-up an inspection information system in MAINTelligence.

Improving the Cleaning and Sanitation Process

Missed Opportunity Number 1---Improving the Cleaning/Sanitation Process

Many manufacturing organizations shut down equipment periodically to clean and maintain its productive capacity.

Heroic Outputs - Dynamic Benchmarking

Heroic Outputs - Dynamic Benchmarking

By Winston Ledet

The data used to develop the original Dynamic Benchmarking Model was collected in duPont's "Best of the Best" Benchmarking Study administered by A. T. Kearny in the mid to late 80's. The purpose of the survey was to discover the characteristics of the very best maintenance organizations. A total of 140 sites were surveyed from a broad spectrum of industries. About half the sites surveyed were non-duPont sites.

Conventional analysis of the flood of data did not result in any useful insights into how to elevate the performance of organizations.

Winston Ledet initiated and led a team of 3 duPonters and 1 consultant to analyze the data using system dynamics modeling. System dynamics is the basis for our Dynamic Benchmarking Model, the Stable Domains for maintenance and Defect Elimination. The model was developed for the first time by this DuPont team as part of their effort in the early 1990's. These frameworks have become the prevailing paradigms of most maintenance experts. However, in 1991, these same frameworks seemed strange by most and "heretical" by some.

The uniqueness of this assessment is that it is based on understanding that came about after rigorous study of manufacturing over 20 years. The first system dynamics model was completed in 1989. A system dynamics model is basically a cause and effect approach put to mathematics, which is then verified against actual real world experience. This results in a model that is structurally equivalent to the area of study. It provides the researchers a "practice field" to determine the key leverage points in the system. The original system dynamics model was updated to include more organizational capability and readiness structure in 2002. The model was further updated in 2008 to include socio-technical network building. The basis for these upgrades was the experience gathered after working with over 168 companies at multiple sites around the world and over 30,000 participants in the Manufacturing Game workshops.

The qualitative aspect of the model evaluates the readiness of the organization to reach the precision domain where the best benchmarked sites operate. The quantitative aspect evaluates the cost of unreliability and the profit of precision reliability. facilitated the a comparative survey which evaluates the readiness of your organization to reach the precision operating domain. Attend this session to learn how well you compare to sites that have reached the precision domain and a comparison to the average of all plants that respond to this survey.

The session is highly interactive and the results of the study will also be published and made available to all Solutions 2.0 participants

Honeywell Acquires Rights to Shell’s Operator Rounds Technology to Extend Operational Excellence

Technology Will Help Provide Process Manufacturers’ Field Workers the Right Information to Perform the Right Tasks at the Right Time.

Reliable and Safe Food Production Tip Processes and Controls-Assessments (5 of 8)

Reliability begins with following and understanding best practices. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) are the foundation to building operational and maintenance best practices to manage food

2. ...

Lean Manufacturing OEE Video (TPM)

Lean Manufacturing OEE Video (TPM)

A brief explanation of how OEE (Overal Equipment Effectiveness) is calculated in TPM.

The 5S Method of Improvement - Enhancing Safety, Productivity and Culture

by Mike Bresko

Let's face it, we all face tough challenges. Competitive pressures continue unabated. Prices are too low, and costs are too high. Companies strive to reduce costs. Some look to improve technology. Some reduce headcount. Too few have become operationally excellent.


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