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reliability engineering for maintenance

RCFA Workshop Part 04

RCFA Workshop Part 04

Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) has an important place in a complete maintenance program. Root Cause Failure Analysis provides the ability to identify and eliminate preventable root causes of failures.

RCFA Workshop Part 03

RCFA Workshop Part 03

Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) has an important place in a complete maintenance program. Root Cause Failure Analysis provides the ability to identify and eliminate preventable root causes of failures.

RCFA Workshop Part 02

RCFA Workshop Part 02

Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) has an important place in a complete maintenance program. Root Cause Failure Analysis provides the ability to identify and eliminate preventable root causes of failures.

RCFA  Workshop Part 01

RCFA Workshop Part 01

Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) has an important place in a complete maintenance program. Root Cause Failure Analysis provides the ability to identify and eliminate preventable root causes of failures.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

Understanding the Difference Between Reliability and Availability

People often confuse reliability and availability. Simply put availability is a measure of the % of time the equipment is in an operable state while reliability is a measure of how long the item


RCM Training Seminar - Sneak Peek Two

RCM Training Seminar - Sneak Peek Two

Learn RCM from Anthony M. (Mac) Smith who is internationally recognized for his pioneering efforts in the application of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) to complex systems and facilities in the industrial and government arenas.

His engineering career spans 50 years of technical and management experience, including 24 years with GE. For the past 25 years, he has consulted in RCM for many Fortune 100 companies as well as the Air Force, Navy and NASA.


RCM Training Seminar - Sneak Peek One - Why RCM?

RCM Training Seminar - Sneak Peek One - Why RCM?

In this short clip from Reliability Centered Maintenance Training Seminar, Anthony M. (Mac) Smith answers the question of why this seminar exists and why you should watch it.

Learn RCM from Anthony M. (Mac) Smith who is internationally recognized for his pioneering efforts in the application of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) to complex systems and facilities in the industrial and government arenas.
His engineering career spans 50 years of technical and management experience, including 24 years with GE. For the past 25 years, he has consulted in RCM for many Fortune 100 companies as well as the Air Force, Navy and NASA.

RCM Training Seminar

Buy this DVD on

Scoring Your RCM Effort

Scoring Your RCM Effort

An hour long Webinar Tutorial On Demand Led by Doug Plucknette GPAllied World-Wide RCM Discipline Leader

Anyone who has ever been involved in the effort to perform and implement Reliability Centered Maintenance has from time to time wondered if they are doing the right things to ensure the program will be a success. In this webinar you will learn a simple way to assess your effort to help keep your program successful.

Participate to learn:

1) Learn the 4 scoring categories

2) Learn key questions for scoring each category

3) Learn how you can improve the success of your RCM effort

How To Build a Failure Modes Driven Maintenance Strategy Preview

How To Build a Failure Modes Driven Maintenance Strategy Preview

Uptime Publisher Terrence O'Hanlon interviews RCM Expert Doug Plucknette about his upcoming workshop at RCM-2011 Reliability Centered Maintenance Managers Forum.

Visit the RCM-2011 website for more information about this upcoming conference.


Improving The Delivery of Maintenance Strategies Across The Enterprise

Corporate maintenance strategies are easy to administer and can be a platform to standardize work practices across the enterprise. However, these strategies are typically generic in nature and do.

Deriving Task Periodicities Within Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)

Deriving Task Periodicities Within Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)

This article does not present original theorems in mathematics or RCM, but is an attempt to consolidate some existing but distinct concepts relating to maintenance periodicity selection, and to provide some guidance on the best way to apply them.

Criticality – Part 2

Last month, my Maintenance tip was on Criticality and finding that sweet spot of the correct number of critical machines. This month, continuing with Criticality in mind, I wanted to discuss who

... Rod Acklin, CMRP - General Manager +1 865-588-2946

PM Reduction Trick

The trick to PM optimization (reduction) and proper deployment of predictive maintenance tools is first to know how to categorize the assets, using analysis methods designed to understand likely

Solving an Inherent Problem of FMEA

Solving an Inherent Problem of FMEA

An 8 minute iPresentation by Paul Lanthier of Ivara

Paul Lanthier, Director of The Aladon Network & Ivara Reliability Services, shares his insights on an inherent problem of FMEA. To learn how to avoid falling into this common trap, watch this 8 minute video.


Eliminate recurring failures by investigating past failures and downtime incidents

Investigation of past failures can highlight areas where massive improvements in performance can be gained. Review all your past failures and downtime incidents and then categorize them as;



At a recent conference, I was asked for the "Cut Off" value for critical machines. Not having a good idea of the intent of the question, I had to ask for clarification and the response was What The question got me thinking about Criticality Assessments and how unique they are to each process and facility. If you do an honest assessment of your equipment and you see a high number of critical machines, defined as failures of assets that will cause harm to your people, harm to the environment, or harm to quality and / or throughput, and you have a very high percentage of these as critical, you might want to evaluate if you can sustain a meaningful maintenance strategy. Simply put, critical assets need attention and if you do not have the resources to attend to this equipment, it might be time to build some redundancy around the critical machines.


Definition: Availability - Reliability Basis

As used in reliability calculations, the probability than an item or system is operating satisfactorily, at any point in time, when used under stated conditions.

Expressed by the formula Availability = MTBF (MTBF + MTTR). Synonymous with inherent availability

Tip excerpted from: The

It’s All About the FAILURE MODES “Keeping it Simple”

It’s All About the FAILURE MODES “Keeping it Simple”

An hour long Webinar On Demand Led by Ricky Smith CMRP, Principle Reliability Advisor, GPAllied

If there is one thing a maintenance and reliability professional should know it's that their maintenance strategies should be focused on specific failure modes and how they can prevent or identify those failure modes. This is where most of maintenance work should be extracted from, not from breakdowns or reactive work.

Now get off the couch and make things happen. This webinar on failure modes will not make you an expert, but it will begin the conversation. You will love it, I promise.

Participate to learn:

1) What a Failure Mode is

2) How Failure Modes drive a company to be reactive or proactive and what to do about it

3) Steps to develop an organization into a Failure Modes Driven Org.

Please fill out the form below.


Undetected Failure

A potential failure identified in the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) where no failure detection method is evident to the operator to make him/her aware of the failure.

Tip excerpted from:

Root Cause Analysis Principles

1) If you do not find and correct the root cause of a failure it will hit you (likely in a vulnerable spot) again!

2) If the same undesired event happens more than once, you have a programmatic deficiency.

3) The root cause is defined by the culture or philosophy of the organization seeking the root cause.

4) Root cause analysis starts out as a reactive process and after it is fully understood, it becomes a proactive process.

5) If an organization seeks answers honestly and with integrity, the root cause can always be found.

6) Dereliction of duty, or lack of attention, are the only personnel performance problems which are not programmatic in nature.

7) The use of disciplinary action as a learning experience does not instill a sense of ownership or quality.

8) Use experts to solve technical problems; use peer-to-peer interviews and peer review committees to solve personnel performance issues.

9) In simply satisfying the need to be needed, you will prevent more personnel problems than any other act.

Tip provided by:
Jack Nicholas Jr., Author of Root Cause Analysis

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