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reliability engineering for maintenance

Asset Criticality: The Essential Ingredient to Proactive Reliability

Establishing a truly effective reliability initiative can be a daunting task for most organizations while trying to remain focused on the primary job to be done, such as manufacturing their product.

“What gets measured gets done” is only partly correct…

Like all new tools, KPIs can be very useful in helping a business to achieve and maintain improved performance but, like all new tools, adequate time, development, learning and careful use is

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The Role of the Reliability Engineer for New Projects

The Role of the Reliability Engineer for New Projects

An iPresentation Tutorial by Michael Drew, ARMS Reliability Engineers

The chance of successfully meeting the objectives for Major Capital Projects can be improved significantly by including a RAMS process throughout each major phase of a project:- I. Appraise, II. Select, III. Define, IV. Execute, V. Operate. The earlier the introduction of RAMS the larger the influence over total costs. An independent project auditing company quotes that on average projects that include RAMS can save up to 15% of total project costs, but many projects do not perform effective Reliability Studies.

A sure way to increase the effectiveness of RAMS is to include a Reliability Engineer in the project team, either full time or call-off expert service provider. The role of the Reliability Engineer is to quantify the basic data regarding failures so that the reliability of equipment used in the project can be predicted, and the availability of the project assessed. This provides the project team with the ability to identify critical issues early in the design process, perform trade-off studies and define maintenance requirements as part of the design process.


FRACAS is an acronym for Failure Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action System

The Reliability Engineering definition of a system is:

A system is the composite of equipment and skills, and techniques capable of performing or supporting an operational role, or both. A

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

Why RCM Doesn’t Work

A world class Reliability Centered Maintenance effort is totally dependent on the selection of your RCM Facilitators. The RCM Facilitator must have the experience and dedication it takes to ...

Maximizing the Benefits of Reliability Centered Maintenance using RCM Blitz

Maximizing the Benefits of Reliability Centered Maintenance using RCM Blitz

An 8 minute iPresentation Tutorial by Doug Plucknette, Allied Reliability

An overall reliability strategy must be grounded in a fundamental understanding of how equipment fails. RCM Blitz is the hub of an integrated approach to designing and implementing a failure modes driven reliability strategy, returning results in a fraction of the time of traditional RCM methods. RCM Blitz is: Practical, Effective, Efficient, Sustainable and Flexible


Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) software - Availability Workbench

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) software - Availability Workbench

Availability Workbench is used to optimize maintenance and spares policies, predict system availability and throughput and estimate life cycle costs. It includes well known modeling methods such as FMECA, Reliability Block Diagram Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis.

Improving the Fishbone Diagram - Better Cause-and-Effect Analysis

Improving the Fishbone Diagram - Better Cause-and-Effect Analysis

Highlights five distinctions between the Fishbone diagram and the Cause Mapping method. Improve your problem solving.

Titanic Root Cause Analysis

Titanic Root Cause Analysis

This is an example of a root cause analysis for the loss of the Titanic using the Cause Mapping method. There are several important lessons within the Titanic disaster that show organizations how to reduce risk and improve reliability of systems within their business. There is more to it than just hitting the iceberg.

How To…Create a Pareto Chart in Excel

How To…Create a Pareto Chart in Excel

Follow these simple steps to create a Pareto chart using Microsoft Excel 2003.

Introduction to Pareto Charts

Introduction to Pareto Charts

This presentation is an introduction to Pareto Charts, the Pareto Principal, the 80-20 rule, and how Pareto charts can save you time and make your life easier. Pareto charts are one of the seven basic quality tools and we explain the power of the Pareto principle and how it is used to analyze and eliminate the problems you face. How to focus on the vital few to eliminate the majority of your problems as Juran has applied the Pareto principle to the world of Quality. Everybody can apply this beautiful principle in their lives and save time and frustration.

Cause and Effect Diagram Training Video

Cause and Effect Diagram Training Video

The Cause and Effect Diagram, Fishbone Diagram, or Ishikawa Diagram will help you organize your problem solving efforts. Lean Video created by Jeff Hajek of Velaction Continuous Improvement.

5 Whys Root Cause Analysis Problem Solving Tool

5 Whys Root Cause Analysis Problem Solving Tool

The 5 Whys is one of the simplest problem solving tools used in Lean manufacturing and Lean offices. This presentation shows how to use the 5 Whys, and what to watch out for. Created and presented by Jeff Hajek of Velaction Continuous Improvement.

Consejo de Informes de Confiabilidad

Siempre es una idea buena de informar en el primer número de casos de tiempo de inactividad por flota de equipo ya que no es siempre el equipo más viejo el que causa la mayoría de los casos de

Reliability Centered Design

Designing for Reliability and Maintenance

Bruce Dean, CMRP
Manager, Design Engineering
Ramesh C. Gulati, PE, CMRP
Manager, Asset Mgmt. & Reliability Planning
Arnold Air Force Base, TN 37389


One of the key factors in asset/system performance is its reliability- “inherent reliability” or designed in reliability. Are we designing the system with reliability and maintenance in mind? The O&M cost, which is typically about 80% of the total life cycle cost of the system, becomes fixed –whether intentionally or not- during the early design phase. Are we specifying the reliability and maintenance needs in our requirements document before the design phase begins? The reliability & maintainability are design attributes that should be designed into the assets to minimize maintenance needs by using reliable components, simpler replacements and easier inspections.


Having high reliability of assets /plants is essential to the success of any organization, particularly with respect to its overall operations and maintenance cost. Understanding reliability and maintenance and how they’re interrelated is important.

Reliability focuses on the ability of an asset to perform its intended function to support manufacturing a product or providing a service. Reliability terminates with a failure —i.e., when unreliability occurs. Unreliability results in high cost to the organization.

Maintenance is an act of maintaining, or the work of keeping the asset in proper –operational condition. Maintenance is a “field” action and may consist of performing maintenance inspection and repair to keep assets operating in a safe manner to produce or provide the designed capabilities. So maintenance is to keep assets in an acceptable working condition, to prevent them from failing, and if they fail, bring them back to their operational level effectively and as quickly as needed.

Reliability-Centered Maintenance and Root Cause Analysis

Reliability-Centered Maintenance and Root Cause Analysis

As plants around the world strive to reduce maintenance costs and prevent incidents and accidents, they often turn to various reliability tools to speed the road to improvement. Reliability tools first help identify where losses are, then develop procedures to mitigate the losses and, thus, improve equipment reliability and performance.

P-F Curve for Reliability

Maintenance Management: A New Paradigm

This paper attempts to summarise fifteen of the most important areas of change which have occurred in the field of physical asset management over the past fifteen years.

Saving Cost by Reducing Reliability?

The Relationship Between Reliability and Maintenance Costs


When we say Reliability, do we actually mean Availability? Under certain circumstances, the two are numerically the same, but that is only in a specific set of cases. 

How Portland General Electric is Using RCM to Change Their Maintenance Culture

By Cheryl Bryant, Portland General Electric, Portland, OR, Paul Lennon, Portland General Electric, Portland, OR, and Jason Ballentine, ARMS Reliability Engineers, LLC, Austin, TX

Portland General Electric has recently completed a number of Reliability Centered Maintenance studies at their Boardman generating facility. Although the predicted results are impressive Portland General Electric is simply using Reliability Centered Maintenance as the tool to initiate a change in their maintenance culture.

Operating Philosophy and Reliability

Operating Philosophy and Reliability

Operational reliability - that is what we actually achieve in our Plants, is almost always lower than the intrinsic reliability that the Plants were designed and built to achieve. To bridge this gap, some managers look for silver bullets. Thus RCM, TPM, Six Sigma or some other process is selected to improve reliability performance. If these are not part of a well thought out plan, sustained results are hard to achieve. The plan will follow steps such as those described below.

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