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[WEBINAR] Climate Change and Digital Transformation: Key Strategic Drivers of Water Asset Management

[WEBINAR] Climate Change and Digital Transformation: Key Strategic Drivers of Water Asset Management

Asset management practices of water utility companies have been recently subject to two strategic drivers: climate change and digital transformation. The latter driver is associated with the fourth industrial revolution - Industry 4.0 - that is contextually named as Water 4.0 (fourth water revolution).

How The Simpsons Taught Me About Green Reliability

How The Simpsons Taught Me About Green Reliability

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 38:33
by George Mahoney, Merck

There is a Simpson’s Episode where Lisa Simpson gets gum in her hair. Over the course of 2 minutes, about 10 different characters give her suggestions on how to get the gum out. In the end, she got the gum out, but she had to shave her head to do it.

The video can be seen here.

This situation is not much different from what you would find in the Energy World. While in the maintenance world you need to “force” people to begin Reliability projects, the Energy World is much different. Everyone you know is lending advice on energy reduction ideas from LED lighting to Chiller Optimization to Solar Arrays.

These ideas lead an Energy Manager (who is also often the Reliability Manager) to jump from one initiative to the next without ever getting much done.

In addition, these ideas never seem to focus on improving equipment reliability. Not only does this cause energy waste for existing assets that have defects, it also can lead to new assets being installed without a focus on maintenance or reliability.

In this presentation, we will talk about how we got people to focus on “reliability first” on their Energy Management journey. We will discuss how reliability became the base of our Energy Roadmap and how it enabled the implementation and sustainment of all the other steps along the way. In addition, we will talk about how we linked our Energy and Reliability initiatives together so they could be easily learned and implemented. Most importantly, we linked them together so they wouldn’t have to compete for the same time and resources.

Current State of Practice of Asset Management in Water Sector

Current State of Practice of Asset Management in Water Sector

The RELIABILITY Conference – Asset Management Forum 
by Heather Himmelberger, Director - Southwest Environmental Finance Center

Solutions 2.0 2015 - It’s Time to Put Water First

Solutions 2.0 2015 - It’s Time to Put Water First

Solutions 2.0 2015 - 17:43
By Heather Himmelberger, University of New Mexico

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Solutions 2.0 2015 - Five Key Lessons of Sustainability

Solutions 2.0 2015 - Five Key Lessons of Sustainability

Solutions 2.0 Conference 2015 - 37:18
by Stuart Grant, DuPont Sustainable Solutions

Uptime Award Winners - Best Green Reliability Program 2013

Uptime Award Winners - Best Green Reliability Program 2013

Uptime Award Winner Video - 41:30
By Marlon Carbrera, Utility Engineer, Compañía Cervecera de Puerto Rico and Flex Laboy, VibrAnalysis

Uptime Award winners for Best Green Reliability Program - (Environmental Sustainability)

Spinning Gas from Garbage

Spinning Gas from Garbage

Bio-gas conversion plants are all the rage in Europe where the high cost of energy has forced a culture of conservation and energy consciousness for decades. Waste rotting in landfill sites produces super concentrated greenhouse gases that pollute the environment and damage the ozone layer. Biogas plants divert waste away from landfills while converting greenhouse gas into methane which is in turn used for electricity and heat, and fuel. Residual waste is cleansed and repurposed as compost for landscaping and agriculture. Yet Biogas as an alternative fuel has difficulty finding traction in the face of cheap and abundant natural gas. It is more important than ever for biogas facilities to embrace Reliability and Uptime for their profit potential.

The equipment required to convert garbage to energy is expensive. Similar to the kilns found in cement plants, these mammoth machines rely on costly spherical roller bearings as the waste is churned into valuable commodities. Rotating at a turtle-like pace of 4RPM, ultrasound was deemed the best candidate for condition monitoring after a major bearing failure arrived without warning but at great cost. If the plant was to remain viable, they could ill afford anymore unplanned outages.

Energy Management as a By-Product of Reliability

Energy Management as a By-Product of Reliability

An hour long presentation by Chris Colson, Director of Operations, Allied Reliability

Energy Management and Reliability Subject Matter Expert Chris Colson shares this presentation on his tips and experience within the industrial and manufacturing space. Chris will teach you how to both bring greater reliability to your assets and how to reap energy savings in return for your efforts.



Use Ultrasonic Technology to Locate, measure, and document Compressed Air Leaks and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A 17 minute iPresentation Tutorial by Mike Naro, Technical Trainer, UE Systems, Inc.

Locating and repairing compressed air leaks not only saves your company money but reduces your carbon footprint. This presentation will provide you an overview of the advantages of ultrasound technology, and more acutely ultrasonic compressed air leak detection as a way to immediately recognize, analyze, and eliminate leaks, and your carbon footprint.


Supporting Environmental, Health &  Safety with your EAM/CMMS

Supporting Environmental, Health &  Safety with your EAM/CMMS

An 8 minute iPresentation Tutorial by Mike Stone, Vice President- AssetPoint

You can use your EAM/CMMS system to support Environmental, Health & Safety (EH&S) operations. From accidents, emissions and HazMat spills to disaster preparedness drills and employee health operations, your EAM/CMMS should provide event capture as well as follow up management and documentation.


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