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work execution management

Reducing Maintenance Costs in a Sustainable Way

Reducing Maintenance Costs in a Sustainable Way

Many companies have executed ad-hoc and sometimes drastic cost cutting approaches. Although probably justifiable for the short term, these so-called quick wins can have serious drawbacks on the long term. Is there a better way to do it? Yes there is! This presentation will show you how to reduce maintenance costs in a sustainable way. Companies using this approach have been able to reduce maintenance spending by 20-50%; yearly recurring savings without penalizing equipment uptime or SHE compliance. It is a challenge, but it can be done! Can you afford not to learn how?

Work Execution Management - Refining Processes

Work Execution Management - Refining Processes

In this webinar, Terrence O'Hanlon, CEO and Publisher, and Uptime Magazine and Kahn Ellis, COO, Vesta Partners discuss the importance of Work Execution Management in your asset reliability program.

How SAP Tools Can Improve Your Scheduling Process and Deliver Efficiency Results

How SAP Tools Can Improve Your Scheduling Process and Deliver Efficiency Results

A presentation by Gus McIntosh, Vesta Partners. Originally recorded at the 2012 Reliability Forum for SAP Users

An effective Scheduling Process is a major element of any maintenance strategy and continuous improvement program yet many organizations still struggle to put together the correct mix of business process, communication and software tools that will drive efficiency and deliver performance improvements.

Intelligent Transformer Management: A New Perspective

by Alan Ross

Why do we need a new perspective? Consider the following actual case scenario. The story you are about to read is true. The facts and circumstances are real. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent (or “ignorant” depending on how you want to look at it).


A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Profiling Power Users

Profiling Power Users

A 23 minute iPresentation by Allan Rienstra, SDT Ultrasound Solutions


Resonance - Machinery Rock and Roll

Resonance - Machinery Rock and Roll

An 18 minute iPresentation by Ron Newman, Pruftechnik.

You Deserve Your 3 “RIGHTS”

You Deserve Your 3 “RIGHTS”

All manufacturing organizations own a warehouse for MRO spares and most of these organizations use a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) as a tool to support the maintenance function. This article will focus on the integration between CMMS modules that serve maintenance, mainly work order, inventory and purchasing.

RIME for Work Prioritization: Median Time to Complete Work Orders

Work Prioritization: Emotion vs. Logic

by George Mahoney

A Supervisor's Typical Morning

Its 7 a.m. and Rich's head is already spinning. He hasn't even finished his first cup of coffee and already three different customers have screamed at him. While the customers are from three completely different business areas, they have two things in common:

They each have an "emergency" that needs to be taken care of right now.

They each refer to themselves as THE most important person on site.

SAP EAM Data Quality

SAP EAM Data Quality

An hour long presentation by Phil Vallie, Vice President Professional Services, Vesta and Michael Jordan, Global Director, Utopia, Inc.

Data plays a critical role in the success of maintenance management systems. This is especially true with enterprise-level solutions like SAP, where a single source of data is utilized by multiple groups within an organization. Furthermore, as technology advances and maintenance originations are able to take advantage of tools like mobile devices and advanced analytics, the importance of data will become even more critical. Many companies struggle with how to how to determine the quality of their data, as well as what indicators to measure. This presentation will focus on the value of good data, and discuss tools that have been developed to help analyze that quality of EAM data across your organization.

Reliability 101

Reliability 101

A webinar by Ramesh Gulati, Asset Management & Reliability Planning, AEDC/ATA-Jacobs


Assessing your CMMS/EAM For Fun and Profit

Assessing your CMMS/EAM For Fun and Profit

An hour long presentation by Dave Bertolini, Managing Principal, People and Processes, Inc.

You've been utilizing your system and collecting data, but are you getting what you need? Are you maximizing the potential of the system? Perhaps initial implementation issues are impacting the day to day system operation and utilization? What should you look for and how do you determine what's value added and what is not?

Reliability vs The Capricious MRO Storeroom

By George Krauter

You can’t deliver optimum reliability when your support is unreliable … the capricious MRO storeroom.

10 Steps to Pump Reliability - Part 1

By Tom Dabbs and Dan Pereira

Pump reliability is an old topic, but it is just as relevant today as it was the first time we heard it a few decades ago. There are some very good reasons to focus on improving pump reliability:

Effective Maintenance Planning

DOs & DON’Ts of Effective Maintenance Planning

Most asset-intensive organizations recognize that efficient and effective maintenance planning and scheduling is one of those cornerstone processes that can help ensure equipment reliability and assist with attaining excellence in operations.

Managing Materials Used During PMs

Managing Materials Used During PMs

An hour long presentation by Clark Kimmel, Senior Consultant, People and Processes, Inc.

Materials management is a critical part of an organizations ability to maintain and sustain reliability. Too many unnecessary or seldom used parts and materials on a shelf can waste resources. Resources are utilized to handle, house, maintain and kit or issue parts. Often times these resources are consumed on parts that haven't moved in years.

Asset or Maintenance Management - What Are We Trying to Standardize?

Asset or Maintenance Management - What Are We Trying to Standardize?

An hour long presentation by Terry Wireman, Senior VP, Strategic Development, Vesta Partners

First there was PAS-55. Now we have a Draft International Standard (DIS) focusing on asset management (proposed ISO-55000). Why would companies want to be certified under an asset management standard? How will this impact them financially? What will this mean for maintenance and reliability professionals? These and other issues will be explored during the webinar.

MRO Spares Can Unlock Big Capital Project Benefits

MRO Spares Can Unlock Big Capital Project Benefits

A forty-five minute long presentation by Bruno Storino, Sr. Manager and Kimberly Johnson, Technical Engineer, Management Resources Group, Inc.

Discover the benefits of optimizing your MRO materials inventory before commissioning a new facility and understand WebRUSL's capabilities as part of an Operational Readiness effort.

A Strong Shop Floor: Successful Planning & Scheduling Secret Ingredient

A Strong Shop Floor: Successful Planning & Scheduling Secret Ingredient

An hour long presentation by Ken Arthur, Performance Consultant, GPAllied

Our production personnel can be the eyes and ears of the maintenance group if they are trained to know how equipment fails, what to look for, and how to report abnormalities. Operators are critical to helping an organization achieve early identification of problems, which then allows more time to plan, schedule, coordinate and execute work to prevent costly failures. Early identification of problems is one of the keys to planning & scheduling success, and a strong "Shop Floor" is oftentimes the missing ingredient.

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