Uptime® Magazine
The mission of Uptime Magazine is to make maintenance reliability professionals and asset managers safer and more successful by providing case studies, tutorials, practical tips, news, book reviews, and interactive content.
Steam systems are vital to the smooth operation of so many manufacturing plants and other facilities. Numerous components are at work to ensure this smooth operation, but none more important than steam traps. Yet, despite their critical function, the majority of plants rely on time- and labor-intensive manual inspections. Yet, with the emergence of industrial Internet technology, steam traps make ideal candidates for automated sensing technology.
Ron Moore receives an award from Reliabilityweb.com
Asset management (AM) is a recognized value lever for asset intensive organizations. It encompasses a broad vision of possibility and action.
When it comes to medium and high voltage circuit breakers, there is no better electrical insulator than sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). The manufactured gas is most commonly used to fill circuit breakers within utility substations to prevent and quench arcing events.
Those familiar with the application of lean principles have come across terms like: lean manufacturing, lean enterprise and lean organization. But lean maintenance is not as commonly discussed as the other three terms.
A call about a line outage or a message from an operator that “something’s wrong” is not a good start to the day. Early warning signs are there to be found. However, maintenance engineers can’t be everywhere at once. Time between data rounds is when something can go wrong, and some equipment isn’t even on a data collection route.
Many experienced maintenance professionals are at or near retirement age. With fewer replacements on the horizon, manufacturers are increasingly looking to industrial technology to maximize worker productivity to unlock capacity and improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). Better uptime starts with better data. These four technologies help provide better data quality and access to the teams that keep plants up and running.
Leadership is vital to the success of all companies. It is a journey that requires reference points to ensure leaders remain on course and continue to grow. Almost all companies need more deliberate and focused leadership development. They need leaders who inspire people to follow. This is especially true when implementing successful work processes. This article describes the needed steps, as well as the roles and responsibilities required, for implementing successful work processes and a leadership structure.
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