Uptime® Magazine
The mission of Uptime Magazine is to make maintenance reliability professionals and asset managers safer and more successful by providing case studies, tutorials, practical tips, news, book reviews, and interactive content.
Oil analysis is essential for maintaining equipment reliability and life span.
Predicting the failure of assets is the holy grail of maintenance. And, there has never been a better time to achieve it than now.
Ramesh is a true reliability leader and earned a well-deserved, but rare, Reliabilityweb.com Lifetime Achievement Award at The RELIABILITY Conference, May 8, 2019, in Seattle, Washington.
Terminology used by maintenance departments produce a wealth of information when performing an Internet search. World-class maintenance status, cost benefits of preventive maintenance vs. corrective maintenance, 6:1 maintenance golden rule and maintenance effectiveness are just a few examples. As you scan through search results for terms such as these, you’ll come across professional articles, opinions, exercises and infinite calls to action inviting searchers to contact an organization for additional information. You will likely find guarantees to improve your maintenance operations and overall bottom line by following recommendations. However, what you likely won’t find is a clear-cut understanding of the differences between these maintenance terms due to a lack of consistency among sources.
The fact is, organizations and their management teams create heroes and leaders through their behavior and actions. This article explains the differences between heroes and leaders and defines the attributes of a special kind of leader, reliability leaders: the real heroes.
If you currently have a preventive maintenance (PM) program in place and want to improve it, there are 10 steps you can follow to do so. Following these steps will uncover inefficiencies, including over- and under-scheduled PMs, equipment with PMs that don’t need them, and noncritical equipment that is prioritized over critical equipment for preventive maintenance.
When considering the future of production in the era of Industry 4.0, there is a truism that applies to any revolution: It is much easier to recognize when it starts than to predict how it will end. Within the hype zone of digitalization, the topic of federated manufacturing has, thus far, gained relatively little attention.
What are your contributions to the bottom line? Many asset managers are often put in an awkward position when confronted with this question, which refers to the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit. This question is not necessarily demanding to know the asset manager’s individual contributions to the bottom line, but the contributions and input of the maintenance system and the assets he or she manages to the overall bottom line.
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