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Becoming a High Reliability Organization Through Defect Elimination

Becoming a High Reliability Organization Through Defect Elimination

High reliability organizations (HRO) are those that effectively manage risks by identifying and controlling probability and consequence.

Q & A with Suzane Greeman

Q & A with Suzane Greeman

Suzane Greeman, CMQ/OE, CAMA, CAMP, CMRP is the President and Principal Asset Management Advisor of Greeman Asset Management Solutions Inc (GAMSINC). An accomplished asset management leader with over 22 years of experience, Suzane has worked across several asset management disciplines to implement asset management strategies for cement manufacturing, power generation, wastewater treatment and airport assets. She is also a member of the Empowering Women in Industry 2020 Steering Committee and Women in Reliability and Asset Management (WIRAM). Uptime® magazine was fortunate enough to speak with Suzane about her company, asset management and the role of diversity in the industry.

Operations-Led Reliability Effort: 10 Years Later

Operations-Led Reliability Effort: 10 Years Later

In 2009, Cameco Corporation's Port Hope Uranium Conversion Facility in Port Hope, Canada, launched a new approach to continuous improvement. It was documented and presented in the Aug/Sept 2012 issue of Uptime magazine titled, “Operations-Led Reliability.” Ten years later, here is an update on how it has evolved through multiple improvements.

Project Management: The Forgotten Tool Kit

Project Management: The Forgotten Tool Kit

Have the project management skills of the DoD become too lax? Within the world of asset management, construction and alterations are also part of the budget. As asset management professionals , are we paying attention?

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Reducing Vibration Through Precision Maintenance

Reducing Vibration Through Precision Maintenance

What useful life can you expect from a motor if it is installed and maintained with an eye toward precision?

Featured Reliability Leader: Lisa Seacat DeLuca

Featured Reliability Leader: Lisa Seacat DeLuca

Meet Lisa Seacat DeLuca, Director & Distinguished Engineer at IBM. Lisa is leading the incubation and incorporation of the digital twin across IBM’s IoT offering suite and driving the digital transformation of IoT solutions.

Reliability strategy improvement

The system and associated work execution management (WEM) process was meant to improve the performance of assets, but failures keep occurring at a cost to your business.

Digital Reliability Engineering: Tools and Methods

Digital Reliability Engineering: Tools and Methods

Since the beginning of time, human beings have survived and evolved through the use of tools. Tool usage is the basis for both ancient and modern engineering advances. 

Optimizing Asset Utilization: LOOP’s Continuous Improvement Journey

Optimizing Asset Utilization: LOOP’s Continuous Improvement Journey

The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP LLC) is the nation’s largest privately owned crude oil terminal. Initially constructed in 1981 to import crude oil from around the globe, LOOP has grown to become a fully diversified crude oil trading and exchange hub. LOOP is the only facility of its kind in the world where shippers can off-load crude oil from very large crude carriers (VLCCs), load VLCCs, and purchase, sell, exchange, store, blend, or deliver crude oil.

Digital Twin: Transforming Asset Operations

As physical assets become increasingly software enabled and more complicated in their construction, a new model is required to operate them – a model that will not be fully possible without the creation of digital asset replicas. These replicas are called digital twins.

Energy Industry Risk Assessment: Current Practices and Elements

Energy Industry Risk Assessment: Current Practices and Elements

As the North American oil and gas infrastructure ages, changes made to facilities during their lifetime may not have been transferred to the official recorded drawings of the facilities. 

Who Will Benefit from Maintenance 4.0 Adoption?

This article explores whether the benefits of Maintenance 4.0 will be disproportionately spread and how this will impact the industrial sector.

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