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Energy Industry Risk Assessment: Current Practices and Elements

Energy Industry Risk Assessment: Current Practices and Elements

As the North American oil and gas infrastructure ages, changes made to facilities during their lifetime may not have been transferred to the official recorded drawings of the facilities. 

Featured Reliability Leader: Lisa Seacat DeLuca

Featured Reliability Leader: Lisa Seacat DeLuca

Meet Lisa Seacat DeLuca, Director & Distinguished Engineer at IBM. Lisa is leading the incubation and incorporation of the digital twin across IBM’s IoT offering suite and driving the digital transformation of IoT solutions.

Digital Reliability Engineering: Tools and Methods

Digital Reliability Engineering: Tools and Methods

Since the beginning of time, human beings have survived and evolved through the use of tools. Tool usage is the basis for both ancient and modern engineering advances. 

Digital Twin: Transforming Asset Operations

As physical assets become increasingly software enabled and more complicated in their construction, a new model is required to operate them – a model that will not be fully possible without the creation of digital asset replicas. These replicas are called digital twins.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Optimizing Asset Utilization: LOOP’s Continuous Improvement Journey

Optimizing Asset Utilization: LOOP’s Continuous Improvement Journey

The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP LLC) is the nation’s largest privately owned crude oil terminal. Initially constructed in 1981 to import crude oil from around the globe, LOOP has grown to become a fully diversified crude oil trading and exchange hub. LOOP is the only facility of its kind in the world where shippers can off-load crude oil from very large crude carriers (VLCCs), load VLCCs, and purchase, sell, exchange, store, blend, or deliver crude oil.

Practice What You Preach with  Your Equipment Support Systems: It’s FREE Money

Practice What You Preach with Your Equipment Support Systems: It’s FREE Money

More than 40 percent of the allocated electrical costs in an industrial environment is attributed to equipment support systems, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), compressed air, chilled water, boilers, and more. While equipment optimization and visibility are often things that many facility managers take great care in providing, it is not as often considered for these support systems, which product line equipment often depends on to maximize uptime. 

The Path to Lubrication Reliability

The Path to Lubrication Reliability

Two wrongs don’t make a right. This proverb states that repaying a wrong deed with another wrong deed doesn’t justify a wrong action. However, can five rights make a wrong? The phrase,“the five rights of lubrication,” has earned its place in the dogma of reliability slogans and buzz words. 

Q & A with Tracey Richardson

Q & A with Tracey Richardson

Tracey is passionate about assisting organizations who are on the “lean learning journey.” With over 31 years of experience in Toyota methodologies, Tracey supports companies by implementing key elements for success.

Simulation Training to Digitally Develop the Next Manufacturing Workforce

With automation and artificial intelligence changing the nature of manufacturing work, many of the skills necessary to operate the plants of the future will be completely changing in the next decade.

Reducing Vibration Through Precision

Reducing Vibration Through Precision

Reducing vibration no doubt reduces fatigue and failure, as proven by Dr. Wernher von Braun and leading reliability engineering schools, therefore increasing a component’s life span. 

Featured Reliability Leader: Jack Nicholas, Jr.

Featured Reliability Leader: Jack Nicholas, Jr.

Sitting in the back of a crowded room at a conference of 300+ motor testing professionals in the mid-90s, I listened to an impressive presentation from a former submariner who served on the USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered submarine in the U.S. Navy fleet. That man was Jack Nicholas, Jr.

Getting Started on Equipment Reliability? Look in the Dumpster!

Getting Started on Equipment Reliability? Look in the Dumpster!

The definition and concept of reliability remains elusive in terms of application. Ask as many folks as you can to explain what reliability means to them or their situation and the responses will vary wildly. This can be especially nebulous among the decision makers for resource allocation, but what they usually want is lower costs and more quality output.

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