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digital transformation

The Digital Journey to Reliability and Asset Management

The Digital Journey to Reliability and Asset Management

Streamline your maintenance and reliability processes and decrease inspection costs by moving to 3D visualizations of your assets and then to augmented and virtual reality.

Fit for Purpose in the Digital Age

Fit for Purpose in the Digital Age

MaximoWorld-2019 Rap Talk 14:02

by Jim Stuart, Lloyd's Register 

Digital Twin Advancements for Asset Performance

Digital Twin Advancements for Asset Performance

MaximoWorld-2019 RAP Talk 11:12

by Greg Bentley, Bentley Systems

Enabling the Autonomous Plant with Artificial Intelligence

Enabling the Autonomous Plant with Artificial Intelligence

The industrial plant of the future is closer than you think. As digitized assets, infrastructure, and processes become standard operating requirements aimed at improving safety, efficiency, and reliability, they've paved the way for artificial intelligence to enable a new breed of intelligent, semi-autonomous or autonomous industrial plants.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
The Dark Factory

The Dark Factory

Are degraded assets and obsolete technologies across your corporation resulting in a loss of market share? Are you struggling to attract and retain a younger workforce? Have you invested millions in data management but yet to create any real value? Join us for an augmented reality (AR)-supported presentation to demonstrate the vision of the Digital Enterprise.

Using the Industrial Internet of Relationships to Build Supply Bridges

Using the Industrial Internet of Relationships to Build Supply Bridges

TRC-2018 RAP Talk 21:10
by Allan Rienstra, SDT

The transactional relationship between buyer and seller is as old as civilization itself. While our civilization evolves at a frantic pace, a collaboration between supply and demand remain mired in the stone ages. Since before the first industrial revolution, the sales professional was tasked with a singular job; to facilitate transactions that moved assets from his company’s balance sheet to the customer’s warehouse, as quickly as possible. And since the reward for this transaction was remuneration – usually in the form of a commission or bonus – the task of successful implementation remained the customer’s problem alone. The sales professional, driven by the need to feed his family, set out in search of the next transaction. Customers accepted this arrangement, for no other reason, then that’s the way it always was. This RAP Talk presents a new paradigm for supply and demand. It challenges our community of solution providers to raise their game while scrutinizing the customer’s resistance to let them. The Industrial Internet of Relationships is about building bridges between supplier and consumer. The best bridges are built from both shores and meet in the middle. Bridges empower us to work toward an aim bigger than ourselves. To progress toward achieving the triple bottom line of economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility.

Leveraging the IIoT by Monitoring Critical Machinery and Bearing Fault Detection

Leveraging the IIoT by Monitoring Critical Machinery and Bearing Fault Detection

IMC-2017 Focused Forum - 39:31
by Craig Truempi and Dan Yarmoluk, ATEK Technologies

The Internet of Things has become an abstract discussion of billions of connected devices and information streaming to make data-driven decisions. Broadly speaking, this topic is how to transform your business through an efficiency analysis, increasing the level of automation, potentially adding another revenue stream or new business model to personalized or customized products and services. An IoT enabled solution in connected manufacturing includes connectivity, intelligence, pattern analysis and ultimately, predictability. Predictive maintenance should be seen as predictive algorithms to extend the life of the machine akin to a doctor-patient relationship and lifetime extension. In assessing a patient, we have to look at the holistic view of health as we would with IoT, the true value will lie in an integrated end-to-end on the manufacturing floor and each connected component has a incremental IoT value. IoT or connected manufacturing is literally "connecting" Operational Technology (OT) and Informational Technology (IT), meaning production and core business processes have end-to-end visibility or what is known as visibility from the shop floor to the top floor. This presentation will focus on the first step of connecting a broader visibility from the operator to the maintenance technician and top floor and mapping this information back to its core business processes in order to increase efficiencies and reliability.

Edge, Cloud and Reliability

Edge, Cloud and Reliability

IMC-2017 RAP Talk - 21:16
by Jagannath Rao, Siemens

In the manufacturing world, one of the most not talked about phenomena is called the "The Hidden Factory." This can be broadly described as work arounds and other activities which result in poor efficiency, waste and reduction in quality. These phenomena go unnoticed most of the time as the data sources are either too disparate or transparency is lacking due to the inability to address the problem. The reason for the existence of a hidden factory is often multifold and can be categorized into three buckets - a) Reliability issue, both in the process and the machinery, b) Inadequate data transparency to get to the root causes and address them and c) supply chain & logistics bottlenecks.

In this modern age of digital transformation, not only is it possible to address these issues, but in fact a steep change in the manufacturing arena can be made. This demands the adoption of technologies like contextualized data integration, machine learning & analytics and IIoT. This talk is about how Edge Computing, IIoT and adoption of scalable cloud technologies can address and minimize the phenomena of the "Hidden Factory."

Going Digital with Operationeering and Servitization

Going Digital with Operationeering and Servitization

IMC-2017 RAP Talk - 22:05
by Chris Barron, Bentley

Historian and Professor, Yuval Noah Harar once wrote (Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow) "In ancient times having power meant having access to data. Today having power means knowing what to ignore.”

The industrial internet of things (IIoT) represents a huge opportunity in the availability and quality of data from connected devices, but a huge challenge for operators and maintainers in dealing with the deluge of information. Most organizations simply aren’t ready, and either don’t have the systems in place to do it or the people or skills associated.

We believe the answer lies in greater Servitization. This is not a new idea – Rolls Royce aero engines is the flagship example, from selling turbines to selling thrust-as-a-service – but it’s not easy for many companies to translate this to their business. In essence ‘Servitization’ is a digital transformation journey, involving firms developing the capabilities they need to provide and receive services and solutions that supplement their traditional approaches.

Gartner describes the trend towards increasing collaboration between owners, operators, service providers and OEMs. It is no coincidence then that this has been the year of Alliances for Bentley – with announcements with Microsoft, Siemens, TopCon and BV.

Through its AssetWise platform, Bentley is facilitating and enabling greater Servitization – converging and connecting data essential to understanding asset performance, embedding vendor knowledge and expertise, visualizing and putting data in context to enable better decisions. And in areas such as process manufacturing, energy management and power generation, OEMs are embedding their expertise and knowhow, providing a data-efficient expert system approach to compliment data-intensive diagnostic approaches.

This is freeing up organizations to focus on what’s most important to them, and giving them the power to ignore more!

Why You Need to Understand the Industrial Internet in 5 Simple Reasons

Why You Need to Understand the Industrial Internet in 5 Simple Reasons

The RELIABILITY Conference RAP TALK - 18:43 
by John Murphy,

In this 18-minute RAP Talk, John Murphy describes why we need to understand the Industrial Internet of Things. The IIoT accelerates transformations in businesses. We are seeing increases in safety concerns, regulation concerns and growth concerns in business and all of these things require automation to help us deal with these requirements. Eventually, everything is going to connect. People say that the IIoT is the next step in the Industrial revolution.

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